Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

Plenty enough. It’s not called Fireteam: Hunting Grounds.

You want to win? Earn it like every other person, don’t complain about it.

Nerf pred, buff ft & blue screens. Rework dev functions. Instant balance, your welcome.

Also on a completely serious note, you are really showing how new you are to not get the “nerf pred buff ft” joke.


Buff FT nerf pred


Lmao new!? New to the forum of trolls like you yes lol there is no shortage, but to the game Itself I pre-ordered and have been here since day one and all it comes down to is a bunch of fireteam Whiney babies who think the game is based around them lol and the game got to the point it is now “smh” grow up and get better at the game troll, or otherwise continue to cry and wonder why the devs don’t give a shit, you’re welcome

Yes, new guy.

Also see my above replies if you think I was serious. I assume you can understand what a joke is.

Anyways; NERF PRED, BUFF FT!!!

I think it’s time to talk about frogs


Obviously I said I was new to the forum and maybe jokes aren’t your thing. The punchline is stale.

  1. More jokes you would get if you were in the community. Maybe this game and the community aren’t your thing. Your replies are stale.
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Ignore @TheSenate , he is still salty about getting thrown down a battle station shaft.


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