Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

Update thuesday 30

Iā€™m sorry to hear thatā€¦


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Preuve ? Avez-vous des preuves ? Et si cā€™est le 30 cela sera inadmissible

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Wolf from AVP2 would be great !
Come on IllFo !



What the hell did yā€™all do to this game.

Iā€™ve played this game since release and Iā€™ve put up with a neverending supply of bugs with every update, but these new bugs really take the cake. On night maps you canā€™t change the firing mode from automatic to grenade launcher on Arnoldā€™s assault, and as the predator the disc isnā€™t controllable if itā€™s sped up but thatā€™s minor, whatā€™s ridiculous is the fact that the cloak is completely dysfunctional. I might as well dance and sing saying ā€œIā€™m here Iā€™m here, shoot me nowā€
Sort it out predator team

For your grenade issue, try resetting your key bindings. If that doesnā€™t work, you may need to delete your local save data.

Seriously do you have to get to that because they are incompetent? that they fix it and contribute things well and in due time, not level 999 after more than a year

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I donā€™t understand what youā€™re asking me. Could you try to rephrase it?

Nous voudrions un patch notes cette semaine et la roadmap Please

New roadmap Please illfonic thanks

yes i want him too!!!

Patch 2.30 is available

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Iā€™m downloading it now, how is the cloak looking?



Howā€™s the blue screen looking? šŸ˜…

Sorry. šŸ˜ž

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Buff blue screen
Nerf pred

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Predators have been nerfed, A LOT

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not enough

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