Patch Notes 2.29 (Hotfix)

The gear is fine, lore wise it a exiled Predator, so it doesn’t have all it’s gear like other Predators do. But what it should have is unique perks to that class only, since it’s living a more primitive life style and not relying on technology as much.

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Why we have to buy a scout Pred with 10 Perks and 9 Gears ?! Lol it’s a pay to lose dlc
you still can play scout Pred with 15 Perks and same Gears and HP

You’re still losing out on the DLC either way, you’ll lose the special skin for the war club. And tbh it seems to have some pretty good specialisations.

Nah it doesn’t worth it in my opinion
Just for Assasin Class ?!
He is a weak version of scout rn
He needs buff on his gears
Pls make it 10 gears illfonic


really the best thing is the war club skin for it it makes it op some how

To be honest, I don’t have 100% knowledge on this. I’d have to dig into it but I’m also on hour 11 for today and ate lunch at my desk -_- Let’s chalk this up for now as “investigating”

If you change it, I’m uninstalling again. Permanently this time.

Are you sure you wanna use melee weopen against good FT ?
I know the new war club is great
But he still needs buff on his gears

I have the cloaking bug now too. Almost cost me my match.

Fix. Your. Shit. Legitimately fix it, don’t put out a half assed patch.

your not wrong at all he needs a buff in gears tho


How is the cloaking bug happening? Is it a specific class cause I’ve done a few matches today and I’ve not seen it.

It could be on the Predator’s end cause I can still see you in cloak if you’re sprinting around like a maniac.

It’s when you cloak and parts of your body are still visible. It’s not class specific, I’ve seen it on two of the three Preds I’ve played as so far. And no, other people, myself included, can attest to seeing the half-cloaked Pred.

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I know people are having it happen to them I just don’t know what’s causing it. I’ve been running matches for awhile now and I just haven’t encountered said bug.

It seems to happen only when you switch weapons while cloaked.

This is still not working on PC which ive JUST experienced.

Cloak will go semi where skin is cloaked but armour is not. I encountered this using City Hunter when changing after cloaking to another weapon.

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So I just looked into that.

It’s switching to a weapon from the loadouts. Plasmacaster, wristblades, and gear items you’ll remain cloaked as normal.

Whatever this is seemingly only affects the weapons in the loadout slots. Cloaking after the weapon is pulled will allow you to remain cloaked. This seems to be only something happening as the weapon is being pulled while in cloak.

Just had it happen when I switched from my wrist blades to my caster and vice versa. Also had it happen when I switched to audio decoys.

TBH I have no idea what’s causing this then. I just ran a test on airstrip and got my last result. I’ll try again.

I did it on backwater as a berserker. The previous match was HQ.