Patch Notes 2.32

He’s a skin of hunter so he’s the exact same as JH. The only difference is that JH mask is damaged. Oh and the name can’t forget that massive difference, it’s how you know they’re not the same.

Tried purchasing the DLC through the epic store after requesting a refund on steam just to see if that fixed the problem; it didn’t. Hopefully, my ten-dollar sacrifice will prevent people from purchasing it until the DLC is fixed.

Confirmed that Falconer has a Super yautja face, great.

Mr.Black looks awesome with different colours.

Basically captured is the response to people asking for jungle hunter

I like the update…still would of liked to get gauntlet mode but hopefully will come soon. I wish they would have added the tracker predator instead of captured 😣

I was thinkin the same thing tracker would of been way better

At least we don’t have to hear people complain about getting JH and scamming people who preordered so they get it.

It cost me about 1.2 million veritanium to unlock everything from this new update DLC add ons. So, I unlocked everything again and will save up more veritanium for the next update add ons.

Predlocks exile Please Please

Oh yeah you’re right they didn’t even add exiles dreads in at all.

Woulda been nice to just add Jungle Hunter instead of slightly tweak it for a few extra bucks you would have gotten anyway. Weak!


Blue screen error happened again at the end of Overgrowth match AFTER this update.

Oh well… At least we will be able to shout “fak yu” to the people who still want jh

Delete save data

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But now they can’t be called liars for saying that JH would remain exclusive. I know this looks scummy as all shit and whatever shred of dignity they may have had is gone but this isn’t JH okay this JH’s identical twin so it’s all fair game.

You always could, nothing was stopping you.

I’m still gonna say it. Preoders are scummy business. Should’na done that.

I’m nice persons

Nothing will excuse such practices, most heinous.


Just murdered entire ft with captured in 5 min

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