Patch Notes 2.33 (Hotfix)

Dunno, I’m enjoying my time with the Supers, they look cool and have great stats.

I’d love to have more slots to create a ton of different aesthetic with the various colors.


id love to be able to enjoy my time with them too

too bad i cannot use them

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no, his perks are bugged.

I’m sorry man


They all went home for the day; this company is a joke.

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are you kidding me?

You still haven’t bought Isabelle?

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there is absolutely no way you’re serious.

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did they change the roar from the mr black pred?

i want a whole ass refund. and i dont want to play predator hunting grounds anymore. im sick of having to wonder wether or not im gonna get WHAT I PAID FOR


Hotfix from illfonic broken illfonic dont buff you with your hotfixes nerf you like its not that hard to fix bugs and glitches???

dude im so fucking sick of this at this point i shouldn’t have to be sitting here unable to use the thing i spent real money for. im really close to saying fuck it and calling it quits with this game. either fix this shit or give all us steam players a damn refund illfonic.

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Lâcher un peu arcadegeddon mettez vous tous sur predator pour une mise a jour de titan tous sans exception vous réparer tout les bugs et skins cote commando Predator nous mettez les modes de jeux que l’on vous demande depuis le début 8 nouvelles map ville neige désert pyramide et autres chambre froide comme dans le 2 et nous ne vous critiquerons plus et encore moi j’aimerais tout les predator existant surtout le Wolf et ceux du 2 dans le vesseau

All of the predlock types needs a fix, They all get extremely crazy and wacky at times. The exiled predator needs his dreads, Mr. Black’s dreads are all over the place and get stuck in the shoulder and twitching all over the place and the Youngblood dreads work fine until you actually start playing, They like to ride up and get stuck above the predators shoulder too similar to the Viking dreads. The elders dreads do just about the same as the rest of them

Mr. Black predlocks: Needs a fix.
Exiled predlocks: Needs to be changed.
Viking predlocks: Needs a fix.
Elder predlocks: Needs a fix.
Youngblood predlocks: Needs a fix.

Mr. Black respectively needs his iconic roar and clicking.


and the original roar for mr black!


Agreed! His Roar and his clicks!

Still haven’t fixed the hook/warclub being locked yet?

Hot fix more like hot mess up can’t even load a match keep get lost connection to host up load speeds 1000 down load speeds 1000 25k packets sent 0.0% lost FIX YOUR GAME ASAP