Patch Notes 2.33 (Hotfix)

For real. They don’t care about us. We clearly stated that we wanted the supers to be redesigned but nooooo they don’t care

Fuck Illfonic


i doubt they are gonna do a complete redesign but at least they could make them actually fuckin usable lmao

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The dlcs themselves are ok but the supers are too fucking skinny

they do look weirdly skinny yea but at least for me i dont mind the look im just overall happy to finally have supers but i just wish i yk, could actually use the product i payed for


Glad people are finally realizing this.

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I’ve defended illfonic since release and honestly I’m too tired to do it anymore; they’re straight up over-extending their limited resources while mismanaging their employees.

For about a week then they’ll all forget until the next one.


The super predators were skinny in the 2010 movie that they’re all from though… looks to me like they got it pretty accurate


Does anyone else have different color variations for the elder Predator’s predlocks? I’ve only ever had default color on PS4

There are no different colours for Elder’s predlocks, sadly.


Which is just weird all things considered, why can’t you customize those predlocks a but all the others are fair game?


Eh I was suprised too, but I guess the reason could be the lore: an elder yautja “canonically” has blue/blueish dreadlocks.
Only reason I can think of.

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Nah, if they were to start using lore to justify things like that then it would it would get very messy very quick.


How about the blue screen bug for fireteam because that’s still happening. Everyone gets kicked one by one it gets old quick

Did u delete save data

That solves it

Still doesn’t work on steam the dlc

Yep unfortunately.

Hopefully they actually fix it soon

Ok guys so if u use Mr black use impenetrable, fearless, and modified reserves

He’s op with that and vicious

This hotfix has caused more problems and fixed none of the issues brought on by this recent patch. I’ve queued up four times now and have had the disconnect issue all four times.

Illfonic, fix your damn game. Screw your DLC fuck up; I can’t even get into a game now.

Yall are worse than Toby.

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@Kassinaillia what the hell are you doing to this game?
Every patch, not only it doesn’t solve the previous bugs, but they bring more bugs and glitches and what not.
Now i can’t even load into the match. The countdown reaches 00 and we get “connection timed out”.