Patch Notes 2.37 (Hotfix)

illfonic devs:

Additional fixes based on player feedback is: making Wolf available to PC & making his blades work. As if they didn’t consider doing those on their own

Seriously, that’s all you fix? You don’t care about this game at all, your so out of touch with your fans it’s not even funny. Another idiot of society gaming company who doesn’t even understand what a TRANSACTION mean’s. Just like Dice, EA, and Blizzard. Whoever is making these quote on quote “ideas” needs to take those ideas, and make them die in a hole. Because newsflash your not making the game fun for people to play, or better it’s only making it worse, we’re not giving you our money. We’re giving it to someone else WHO…ISN’T…YOU!!! How the mighty have fallen.

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I told you idk why you’re surprised expect bare minimum from lazyfonic

While I’m aware that not every little feedback can could have been addressed in this patch; there were ones that could have been such as:

  • Exiled dreadlocks still not available
  • Predator Crate Warpaints that was promised to drop in December were not so (Jossed, its been added)
  • New Predator gear such as the Laser Mines would be a nice addition to the lack of Predator gear in the last year.
  • Twin Plasmacasters and Tracker’s Drones

At least this would have been fine but only these two fixes? Honestly, how can I not be worried about the quality of each patch if its only a Predator class drop with only 3 fixes and no real refreshing changes to the gameplay? Very sadden by this development, or rather in better terms, lack of it. I do hope some positive changes happen soon.

EDIT: We got the Warpaints now! Alright thats excellent! Least we got that and I hope for more content soon.

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Hang on they just edited the post and are now saying the Warpaints ARE available to the public. Jee, couldn’t fit that in the first time?


No, they sit on their ass working on Arcadegeddon and assuming their next shit game in development

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OK, and, what about the mask? And armor? At the very least?

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Just pushed the warpaints live. You’ll have to restart your game to see the warpaints.

It was in this build but wasn’t switched live yet so I missed it in the notes.
That’s on me, sorry!


yeah its a good hotfix now!!! ;) just add paints and everyone will be happy, they are dreaming man


Nah, not in their noggins.

Bruh imma call cap on that one. Illfonic S teir Developer…

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Oh good! Glad to finally get to them, thank you for the drop! Guess my few feedback I can give for now is the missing Exiled dreadlocks as we only got the ones from Elder and not the character’s unique dreadlocks. Additionally, hopefully we can see more Predator equipment like the Laser Traps, Wolf’s dual plamascasters, and Falconer’s drones in the future!

Either way, thanks for the additions!

EDIT: I just remember that combining battle damage with Warpaints would be a great addition in customization freedom, hopeuflly that can be looked into someday!



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Na just give me all the predators from the movies actual roars and fix the cosmetics of wolf and mr black and im happy

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I also would add to this list this: add netting on torso and left hand, + fixing standard color for his mask

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Thank you for the efforts team.


34GB for such small changes… really, how the hell are you guys compiling this game?

Kass is a moderator she doesn’t know how shady the developers of the game she works for are don’t blame her

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