Patch Notes 2.39

Again, where is my ugliness coming from, from 2 dudes calling me fake? Lmao

I’m just genuinelly confused why such things need to be said.

Could have been anyone else saying something positive, yet here we are!

People can’t just let things go and allow people to enjoy something without needing to shit in their bed.

Nvm read it wrong.

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No I think many fixes are needed

Don’t say I never gave you nothing


I wasn’t saying anything ugly to you … I save all that for @REYNOSO_FUA11and @Fire.


We had fun tho xD.

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Hey wanna see the screen get set on fire again?


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Oh yeah , so long as I’m making people laugh I’m good with gaming and apparently you had a blast because you laughed a lot at my commentary about it. You won’t get to do that again , lmao

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So my game froze my ps5 completely. Had to unplug the console. Awesome

Next lobby attempt frozen at 00 countdown. Waited about 30 seconds game still didn’t start. Left lobby.

Well at least he took it well @Fire lmao

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Use a VPN and change your country in the Epic Store.

It’s probably because of the ongoing Russian conflict. It’s probably games distributors and publishers (Sony, Epic, Valve, etc.) the ones that are blocking it and not illfonic per se.

Look I am a pred franchise fan to the core . But one thing I won’t allow is for my difference in opinions of what I think the game should be to ever stop me from verbally abusing @Fire On the mic during private matches or stop me from claiming @REYNOSO_FUA11 like he’s on my taxes . I mean dam bros have some fun , could it be better … sure absolutely, but I throw down with some of the best in the business and have an absolute blast . Is fireteam op , sure , is pred castrated , sure but let it go and have some dam fun

rsz_head_pic_2 Is it me or did they make the heads and dreadlocks bigger with the big head mode in privates.


You know what you did. Now shut your fat ass

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Jeff Bezos hates you 🤣🤣🤣

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They are only the community manager, they can only do so much, Im pretty Kass does send reports to other parts of the dev team it probably just get ignored, directing your anger to someone who really doesnt have any control over the matter doesnt really do anything.


Ummmm wow , well at least he didn’t use cheatin lol bishes lmao. Good points , bad finish ……. B -