Patch Notes 2.39

Fanboy StUrMi cant be buying this stuff, sorry I just cant. Its not a good update!!! PLS dont screw up the big update PLS!!!



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Not in Russia in the current situation.


Iā€™ve mostly stopped being on the forum but the ā€œtankā€ predlocks are a real slap to the face. Its nice to see some shaders for the elder predlocks, as now I have some more options when it comes to that, but looking at the tank predlocks, you can clearly see its the exileā€™s. The wooden bands and carvings match the armour. Not counting the promotional material, including the egs storeā€™s dlc page showing him with them.

A quick patch could fix this quickly, but considering how soon we got the warpaints promised in december, I donā€™t expect this quick fix to be quick. Just slide up the exile shaders onto the elder and rename the tank predlocks exile. The hardest part would be a choice of either removing the predlocks from level 500 and saying sorry to those who have it, or leaving them there, but also giving them to the people who bought exile, like some backwards version of the early access you guys usually do.

And I know you are trying to rapid fire out what everyone is shouting for, but these last dlcs havenā€™t had any new weapons, gear, or weapon variants. It feels lazy and rushed. You are allowed to take more time to fully make these dlcs and updates.


I mean Iā€™m not expecting this game to survive the year at this point. If only the devs actually listened, then this game would be great. Fuck, you can put Light Unit in charge of development and Iā€™d enjoy the game more.


It seems that at this point, we should thank Mr. P for saving us from this DLC.

(This is a joke if anything, people, donā€™t take it seriously)

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I would play the shit out of a Light_Unit-developed game.

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You are pointless and meaningless, the fact that we even acknowledge you have ever spoken or existed should be high point in your miserable void of a life

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Sheesh, tell me how you really feel why donā€™t you.

Also thatā€™s not very humble of you.


I went from defending & being sympathetic throughout 2020 & 2021 to losing my fucking marbles at the sheer incompetency on display here. This is disgraceful work ethic & output, I know people who have worked harder than this and still been laid off from their work. I can only be glad I quit the industry years back so I donā€™t have to be associated with this kind of development.


Honestly just give it to someone else this game has huge potential in the right hands, but at this point Ive given up for this game to ever be good, it wouldnā€™t take much to improve this game but before anything performance and bugs need to be fixed and illfonic has shown they dont give a shit, some day one bugs are still in the game.

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You walking on thick ice xd

Damn who told you that? Just cause someone hurt you shawn doesnt mean you can hurt others. Even if they were right.

Besides you trying to get rowdy gets shut down as quick as that super put you down in sf xD.

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This is not the humble channel ā€¦ā€¦ man up and be great , stop being ungrateful that we acknowledge you

Say youā€™re sorry!


So back to Lego Starwars šŸ˜…


The update has clearly taken a toll on poor Shawn and now heā€™s lashing out. Itā€™s okay though I forgive him.


Itā€™s okay, let it all out.


Iā€™ve been used to it since I started running from cops with anti-war leaflets.


hahahaha yeah I guess