Patch Notes 2.39

Lol how was I bashing on people having fun? Lol.

Thank you for making me realise how much I want a Concrete Jungle remake so I can never think about this game ever again.


It’s fine to having fun, but also we don’t need to forget to pointing Illfonic to bugs and failures in the balance, but hey, who I am, some random player who don’t even can buy new stuff

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Sooo…calling out the people in charge of the game for their incompetence is…me not wanting others to have fun? OOOOOKAY, you keep having that immature mindset.

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You’re always allowed to criticize, but there’s a difference between constructive criticism and just kind of lashing out at everyone you disagree with. Which seems to be your strong suit 😁

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It’s beating a dead horse with a stick

How many times do people need to comment the same thing over and over to the point of legit getting angry and upset?

There are other games to play to not get personally invested in the shortcomings of a small game company “not doing what they are being asked to do”.

The only people losing are the same people who continue to say the same things over and over as if Illfonic “forgets”.

Pretty sure they are more than aware of the issues. Duplicate threads are deleted everyday…

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Sounds like you were taking your own advice and pulled your bottom lip down while trying to talk.

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If I put out content like this I’d have been fired, it is insane that the Devs think this standard of work is acceptable.

If you think that rightfully calling out sub-par and unfinished content is bashing, get a fucking worldview adjustment kid. People have been fired for less then this, its insane that this constitutes a good work ethic to them.


This game has major flaws that some people refuse to see or acknowledge, and that is why we keep getting these bare bones cash grab dlc updates, cause the die hards of this game will take anything illfonic gives them, cause the Predator franchise has nothing else gaming related that substantial so people cling to this game regardless of how bad it really is.

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shrugs I could honestly care less, mate. I mean I don’t know why you’re pointing a finger at me, specifically, when others here have done much worse in the last two hours. Maybe make it all-inclusive. Also, you don’t know a thing about me, baby. Chill out and go play your broken game.

We all maked posts about balance and other game problems 2 years. Straight 2 years. We are not made from Iron to point Illfonic again and again and AGAIN for SAME mistakes and now it become even worse

So they’ve been aware of the issues for two years, annndddd…where are the results? That’s why people are mad, broski.


Typo my bad

People care about that game because they love Predator universe, like I am. Yeah, I could not pay for new DLC because I live in “canceled” country, but I bought EVERY DLC just because I love this game and I want to help Devs to make it better. And now you saying “go to other games”. Ok, if anyone who care about this game do that, well, RIP PHG.

Wow, it’s almost like the same shit happened again.

Downloading the update and I fully expect any of the issues I’ve listed since a year ago haven’t been fixed this patch as is custom these days.

New Predator plays like Berserker? Who everyone knows is bad? Whoever is in charge of balancing or choosing whatever goes into classes must be taking the fucking piss or laughing their ass off.


Diehards, and people who don’t know any better, like kids and casual players.

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Too late, your entire argument is pointless and meaningless now.

HUH? Illfonic deliver this game to each country I know. Maybe North Korea and similar countries, but all civilized nations around the globe can buy and play this game.

Apparently, it’s even good that I can’t buy this DLC right now. And it’s a good thing I can’t buy anything in Arcadgeddon. And it’s a good thing I won’t be able to buy Ghostbusters. Guys, write right away what you plan to release in the future so that I know in advance what exactly I SHOULDN’T BUY.

At this point there getting what little money they can squeeze out of this game, and once there cash grab ghost busters game comes out they’ll abandoned it, hell I dont think it will last till then honestly.

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