Patch Notes 2.50

Why would it shake in the first place???

It’s the same bs as “your screen goes full white mode when you run out of stamina”.

10x scope is now slower than before?

It was slow to begin with and now Preds in mid air, flying the speed of light, by the time you “zoom in” with 10x, Pred is gonna be on the other side of the map.

This and few other “adjustments” tells me that whoever came up with these changes and went with it, never played a multiplayer FPS game in their life.

…doesn’t mean anything. Because playing the game and actually understanding the mechanics of it, how the game works and it’s supposed to work are different things.
In these past four years, you Illfonic, have learned nothing when it comes to FPS games and it shows.

No amount of sugar-coated PR words can hide your inexperience and inability to listen.

That’s why Predator Hunting Grounds was and still is, a failed product. The irony is, it’s the only recognisable product you have and you abandoned it and you abandoned your playerbase.
Then you come back pretending like nothing happened.

That’s not how a company should behave and communicate towards it’s playerbase.

Tried out bear traps in a solo private match. Traps are going to be better now that you don’t have to aim to throw them.

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The actual idiots here aside, this update is generally a step in the right direction, every update should realistically be like this one in how much it improves.

You should keep it up!

there is still a way you can do the fanatic even tho they said they fixed it step in the right direction my ass

Hence me saying update should be compulsory. Update game and unable to play….



Agreed. This is an update by somebody who plays the game and has lots of hours on it. It should only get better. Love how the ammo boxes highlight when near etc… despite new glitches like ft not showing on mini map post revive, it is so improved. Great start and shows they still have love for the game.

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I didn’t say it was perfect. There are literally hundreds of problems that went unfixed but nearly everything I see in these notes has made the game better. That is undeniable.


i would hope it was bc they abandoned us for years kill ai in one shot with reckless ya man good game

When the game is announced

When the game is released and every day after that

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Did anything actually get fixed wanna know before I play again?

a little bit not a lot tho

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About time this game got the recognition and love it deserves.
Bullshit how it was handled before this update but glad it’s out and looking forward to returning to the jungle with current gen!
Be Hunting you!

Oh alright thanks for the response

Wow, just wow you guys.


And here I was hoping they actually fixed stuff

Good to see Failfonic try to peddle more garbage on the Pred mains. I would never expect anything different. How about adding some Fire Team characters or is this game still just catered to one side. Only nine FT and like 23 preds with more to come. Just try a little please.

They forgot to remove reckless exploit (just like fanatic damage boost under fire). But in general overall they still haven’t restrict cheat engines and other anti-cheats. But again you can also cheat as predator, it is little harder, but it works. Let’s be honest, despite it’s ups and downs, game is overall better performing and it is progressing.

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