Patch Notes 2.50

You told me I threatened you, when I never did.
I defended myself from that lie.

You on other hand, over reacted to jokes and started acting like a sensitive bitch.

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That was actually you, while you started to threaten after that. Your so called ‘‘contract’’ says it all. I defended myself from that lie in fact.

@Fire post it right now.

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Dude, stop lying already.
That’s how it all started.

It’s either you’re rétarded and you genuinely think that, or, your English Is weak and dont understand what’s said to you.

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Or they could make the other caster as a cosmetic just sitting on his shoulder?

But I do prefer your suggestion 💯

Another reflection of yourself

Another reflection of yourself.
Contract does not exist, only in your fantasy imagination.

Nah it exist.

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in your head

You see it right there right? It exist. And your the contracts bitch.
You’re bound to it whether you like it or not.
Nothing you say can negate it.


Thanks for self-snitching once again with your imaginary contract.

Theres no snitching here homie. Nothing about the contract is bad. It was made in self defense.

But you’re contradicting yourself right now.

If it doesnt exist, then there really is no snitching.
So if you think I’m self snitching, then you’re admitting its real.

Either way, you lose.

The contract exist and you are bound to it.


Everything in your contract is offense and self-snitching.

Not at all.

Contract does not, but your words are.

Your imaginary contract words displayed.


Grow up out of it.

Either the contract is real and he is eternally bound to it, or if it isn’t he’s arguing with strangers on the internet about things that don’t exist, making him peak schizophrenic.

He cannot win here.


At least I don’t create things that do not exist, making both of you peak schizophrenic.
I am just pointing out things that do not exist you think exists.

The fact It’s been going on a for week is something else.

They are literally there to see, these words are the contract.

They are real. The contract is real.
Do remember, you agreed to these terms when you kept lying.

The contract exist because of your actions, and agreement to its creation.

You, are forever the contracts bitch.

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This dude lied almost a year ago now I think, say I threatened him when I didnt.

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Is this feud worth carrying over a year ago? You guys are probably never going to meet each other. If that’s the case then just drop it and let it go. This back and forth stuff is not even worth your time. I’m just saying.

No, its funny to watch

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