Patch Notes 2.50

In your imaginary contract.

Contract is not, it’s your imagination.

There are no terms kid.

There are no contracts, except your own fantasy rant and imagination.

You are unable to take an L, it’s simple as that. You are consequences of your own actions. Not mine.

I told him, if he wants it to stop, all hed hes gotta do is stop lying. Idk bout you, but I dont like when people say I threatened them when I never did.

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Because you did, it’s even in your imaginary contract pal. Plus guilt by association.

Ey yo magic mike, you forget, you kept lying on me.
So I told you to provide evidence. You never did.
You kept lying. By doing this action, you entered the contract.

You agreed with your actions.
This is not imaginary.
You have kept lying.
Everytime you lie, you agree to the terms of the contract.

Your actions are not imaginary.
They are here, recorded.
There is evidence of you lying constantly.

Therefore, given YOUR actions, you are the contracts bitch.
And you are eternally bound to it.

What you dont seem to understand is that nothing you say can change or negate this.
I was willing to drop it and leave you alone, but you keep lying.

So remember, you did this to yourself you made yourself the contracts bitch.
Nothing you say matters. None of your lies change or negate anything.

You ain’t shit but a little bitch homie.

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Post that damn contract again

There are no lies by me, only by you.

I did every single time, even you did by your imaginary contract, self-snitched.

Your imaginary, one as usual.

You agreed with your own trolling and self snitching.

Yes it is.

Nope, you did.

Contract does not exist.

Of course not, they are factual and debunking your lies and imaginations.

Which proves only that you are digging yourself deeper.

Only evidence of you lying constantly.

Keep it up, maybe you take a break once again.

Keep crying to your imaginations.

Yes it does, your schizo imagination is not my problem, there are professionals that can help you.

You never drop from anyone, that’s what gets you mad about me, you wanna be like baby and have your last word which will never happen. It happened with others.

Keep spam posting same imaginary schizo fantasies.

Another spam post of your own fantasy.

Keep getting angry.

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You forget you’re irrelevant and nothing you say matters.
You did it to yourself.

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Your lies will not work here.
Your gaslight attempts will always fail.

Even if you stop lying, you are forever bound.
The only peace I offer you, is if you stop lying, I will stop talking to you.

But if you refuse to stop lying. Then you’re admitting you like being reminded of your place.

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There are no such thing as that about me, unlike you.
Therefore you did it to yourself.

Copy paste of my own replies towards you, nice comeback, so lowkey.

Keep incriminating.

That is mission impossible kiddo. You offer war, I offer peace, you got it twisted kid. Just deal with it that you encountered the person who doesn’t back down to harrassment.

I never lie, but you lie. I speak only truth. Therefore you are lying and cannot stop it, then you are admitting you like being reminded of your place.

Stop lying Mike.

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I don’t lie. Nor I am Mike.

Yeah, he definitely has some major issues, just like every vatnyk, (failed)troll or wumao out there.

You definitely do lie. Contract or no contract, this would be true.

As for you being mike, the contract makes it that tough are whatever anyone else says you are.

Like @Ferdigian

I could call you betsy and you’d be betsy.

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None of it would be true.

There are no contract, except defamatory threats.

He is cheap troll like you, nothing new coming from him.

Whatever that bs means.

@TheSenate u got any death sticks i can use?



