Patch Notes 2.50

waves hand you want to go home and rethink your life

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I want to go to 7/11 and fistfight tweakers


You want to somehow return

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I’ve stated the facts. Nothing else matters.
You are bound to the contract because you lied.
The conversation is over.

Any further responses on the matter will be you agreeing to the contract.

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You’ve stated literally nothing, but gibberish fantasies.

There is no contract my schizo kid.

Then why are you continuing it kiddo?

There is no such thing schizo kid.

Thats actually pretty good

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Your words dont matter, only your actions.
If you respond on the matter, especially while lying, you are agreeing to the terms of the contract.

I have actions and words that I am reasonably defending myself with.

There is no contract my schizoid buddy.

Do you like popsicles? I got a whole freezer full of nice, large, juicy popsicles down in my cellar for you~

With extra love,
Ol’ Herbert


You could also call him “Varvara” if you like to tap into the Russian type of “Karen”, to fit his vatnyk attire, or ao-ke (similar to “oke”)奧客 for a wumao, a more Chinese approach for the “Karen” type.

Depends on what you like.
But don’t mind me, the possibilities are endless.

None the less, he looks like the type of mascot that would snitch you to the FSB if you talk bad about the regime in Russia, or to the CCP to lower your social credit score by bad mouthing Xi (or even fave prison), or the type that would hand you over to the authorities and be publicly executed in a place like North Korea.

Gotta love his snitch attitude.

So much conspiracy tin foil racism in your quote that it’s not even irrefutable at this point. Not to mention that US and Western regimes are far more authoritarian than the Russian and Chinese. Ironic how the biggest snitches in this community are talking about the very thing you are being. Term Yankee can be and is easily applied to you bud. CIA talk and CIA snitch as well. With highest capitalist score to arrest and imprison every person that disagrees with your psychopathic defamatory prejudices and criticizes US and EU regimes that imprisons their own people and even including public exucations that west has it, while Russia does not even have death penalty, so much about hypocrisy. Julian Assange is good example what happens when you criticize US government and many others ‘‘suicided’’. And not to mention your obessive delusions calling others Karens, while you are primary example of Karen.

There is.

And of you respond about this topic, you agree to the terms of the contract.

Il say it again, your words are irrelevant. Only your actions matter.


Your fictional imagination based on threats and empty threats is not contract.

I always have them kiddo, unlike you who has neither words nor actions.

Dude you clearly have no interest in the contract.

Just stop lying, and il stop talking about the contract.

You keep it going, itl just be you agreeing to terms of the contract.

Because it does not exist.

It does not exist once again.

And again, it does not exist.

Whats yalls opinions on cuttlefish?

It does exist.

You literally cant disprove it.

You can physically see it.

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In your defamatory fantasy.

I did and everytime you post you disprove it by your own self.

Physically see your schizoid imagination?