Patch Notes 2.50

Hey @Fire look at what type of diarrhoea this idiot can muster.

Let me dismantle your psychotic and narcissistic idiotic trait here.

You deep shit have no idea what a dictatorship is, do you? (You’ve been living in one and think that it’s ok?) You are completely dismissive the shit show China is and what they are doing to their people and, the fact that in Russia as we speak as well as since the terorist attack over Ukraine started from the Terrorist state Russia, there have been imprisonments of all people of shapes and sizes (who opposed the Putinist/Stalinist regime), as well as political opponents, academics, researchers falling from windows or any types of accident from that sick regime, sick like you, mentally.

Shitheads and ones like you, vatnyks, wumao or kebabs depending on where you come from, obsess about the CIA becabuse the CIA doesn’t like extremists, especially nutjobs like you (in mentality, because you are literally zero, a nitwit, a parrot spilling only idiotic propaganda). And also the CIA is a known rhetoric of every dictatorship that didn’t get their ways in the world and had opposition from authority. Yeah, shithead dictators and vatnyks like you and Putin along with the likes of CCP don’t like when people or others put fists in their mouths for doing bad shit. Cry me a river you worn off sack of shit.

Your Assange was an idiot who has been given heavily fabricated documents just to make his Wikileaks as part of the information warfare and plenty of his Wikileaks smell like dictatorship fabrications coming from shitholes like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and the likes. Where no mentally sane human being would want to live or defend and be adamant just like you are here, as a prick parrot.

Yet you are a Karen, with stars spangling and confetti.

Quit wasting our time, and get the fuck out of here, you piece of shit discriminatory mentally ill prick. Go join your dictatorship club cheerleaders.

So you restarted your lack of brain activities, well I will move on with your propaganda to debunk.

Hah, what a joke, the vatnyk or wumao here wants to debunk the reality of things. By applying his own horse shit propaganda.

At the end of the day you are unable to dismantle anything, except throwing 90% of buzzwords and 10% of propaganda. Now let me dismantle your psychotic and narcissistic idiotic trait here.

On the contrary kiddo, you deep shit in fact have no idea what a dictatorship is do you? (You’ve been living in one that portrays itself as ‘‘free democratic world’’ and think that it’s ok?) You are completely dismissive the shit show China on the contrary is far more free and safer nation than USA and are harming their people far less than USA does, which is obvious by every single rational person that knows geopolitics. It’s USA that is harming and destroying their own population and blaming other countries with mass media propaganda that other countries are doing it, due to jealousy of it’s own failure and other nation’s successes. Uyghurs are debunked western propaganda, almost everything you already are easy to predict to say is already debunked long time and even proven with Chinese video clips and documentaries. Also the fact Russia as we speak does not commit any terrorist attack over Ukraine, but it’s liberating Ukraine against western invasion and illegal coup and provocation of maintaining it’s fascist hegemony, it’s that simple. Ukraine is the terrorist state together with USA, so your xenophobic and hatred to everything that is not USA is your own problem, not mine. There have been far more imprisonments of all people of shapes and sizes far more in United States (who opposed the Western, Mockingbird, CIA Military Industrial complex with all Rep and Dem administrations). As well as USA political opponents, academics, researchers being suicided and being plane crashed or drowned in the pools or misteriously died on pools and P Diddy’s CIA mansion and Clintons and Obama’s and Bush’s rooms inside White House. That is definition of sick regime and sick like you, mentally. So nice try and nice fail once again.

So funny how in your hysterical anger you are using dozens of stereotypes like vatnyks, wumao or kebabs like true racist and xenophobic you are and revealing your true psychopathical colors to cover up your pathological homocidal tendencies. You very person where you are comming from together with your nation obsess about the FSB, obsess about Russia, China for your own mistakes and your own problems that you are unable to solve in order to desperately blame others. CIA is extremist and authoritarian organization my kid. Bloodthirsty organization worse than Mao, Stalin and every single historical dictator combined. So much about who is obsessed with what and who literally even right now starts very conversation about politics, ironic, your each reply consists of Russophobic and Chinophobic and general Xenophobic slurs to me each reply despite I don’t even talk politics, this is how low you are putting yourself. Supporting dictatorship regime worst in the world by accusing others of supporting dictatorship regimes. Being entire literal zero as human being by accusing me, being nitwit, extremist and using propaganda by accusing me. Very very self-reflectory from you just like other of your gang members in forum. USA that kills more political opponents in it’s own country than Russia and China has audacity to call me and Russia and China to do those things that in fact is USA most popular of doing, but masking it with excuse ‘‘free and protect democracy and democratic world and values’’. It’s classic predictable cheap comeback that has been read and debunked since already 2014. Obsession with CCP that comes from you is even bigger than CCP supporters in China that do not really pay too much attention. They are simply minding their own business and being proud patriots and working for their country and proudly country also working for them. Kinda like MAGA. So much about who is actually shithead dictarors, make a better ad hominem insults, since this post proved nothing factual from you, but you only self-humiliated yourself. Yankees and dictators. If in your pathetic logic I am ‘‘crying a river’’ then Crimea River, since that is far better fact check for your tin foil conspiracy propaganda theory that you do and your batshit crazy schitzo government and you with it.

Assange is not mine, Assange is yours and he was academic, he was news reporter that reported the facts about the situation. The fact that you call him idiot and defend your own dictatorship arresting innocent man for exposing corruption in United States and administration is only proving my point. Your own academics and researchers that are mass killed or imprisoned like assange is something you justify. Good for exposing your hypocrisy. Also saying that it’s Russian fabrication? LOL, he literally exposed USA as dictatorship nation and hypocritical state and administration. Just like those you defend in Russia. Wikileaks is American website, LOL. So now every single website that is against your opinion and your own xenophobic and racist pro-USA government opinion is Chinese and Russian? According to that logic, your so called Russian and Chinese opponents as you label them were also stupid since they were using information warfare and plenty of CIA and western dictatorship leaks like mainstream worldwide authoritarian OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD news, therefore all of the people arrested in Russia and China were also idiots for using something that no mentally sane human being would want to live or defend and be adamant just like you are here and your government, as a prick parrot defending 1 worst dictatorship in the world and hating others that are not even remotely close and bloodthirsty? Just face it, you are not different than USA, in fact far forse than USA. Julian Assange is for USA same thing what are Russian (despite you have no evidence) political opponents and diplomats. Since Assange was reporter and diplomat and educated academic and researcher. He has nothing to do with your nonsense about Russia, China nor Iran nor North Korea, btw you ignored your precious genocidal Israel that you are very well known to support in almost year ago comments that I very much remember. And yet comparing that guy with those nations is very sick to it’s core to my stomach and stomach not just to me, but many other sane, sober, moral and prudent Americans and Westerners that have mind open. Also keep in mind that you wanted to suicide and murder Edward Snowden. What now? You will accuse just because he has shelter in Russia and he was provided protection against USA bloodthirsty government for exposing USA espionage that Edward is some magical Russian bot? Because I know that miserable tactic that you would spit, just like classical good old useful tool of both Rep and Dem puppet of murderous regimes that claim that as you do.

Now after dissecting all of your pathetic rants and miserable hateful and spiteful projecting, gaslighting, hypocrisy, anecdotes, hyperboles, holier than thou paradigms conclusion is that you are the only person here that is being Karen with your gang members and you are the only person that is wasting your own time (not mine my kid really) I got lots of good arguments to back my claims and to pretty much put your comments when I see fit back into the hole where they belong, but you made it easy on me, because you in reality just placed yourself into the hole and more you reply like that and especially due to being 2024 more deep you are digging your own hole, because even Americans (normal ones) are already awaken up from your propaganda, mass murder advocation, dictatorship promotion and genocide and terrorist advocacy. Mr Cheerleader Yankee.

OK, now since it was dissected, now keep repeating same bogus claims that are mirror image of yourself. You are applying in fact your own horse shit propaganda to others and yourself, not me. I speak just facts yankee or hillbilly. Whatever suits your taste bud. I am ready, question is are you? I was just waiting for the moment until you try to get overconfidence and pride believing that you can actually speak facts trying to make me rage bait or lose it, but in reality you rage baited yourself and lost it by yourself. You are debunking your own self. I am just a good messenger of the truth. You thought that your reply would make me not to reply and make me lose temper, but you will have to invite over 1 million people to stand on your side and not just few of your gang members yankee, hillbilly, whatever you wanna call yourself.

Why is there talk about politics in a forum that’s supposed to be about predator stuff?

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You’re unredeemable, as a human being. And you have literally no clue who you’re talking to. Sad to see you delusional like that.

This proves you are mentally gone.

You dissected nothing, all you did was to pathetically try to save yourself or redeem yourself from the shame that you and your ideology represent. You are gone.

PS: you should try getting out of your mother’s basement.

I think if we have to speak who is iredeemable as a human being that is you my boy. And you in fact are the one that has literally no clue who you’re talking to. Sad to see you delusional like that.
This in fact proves you are mentally gone. Your ad hominem would prove 0 things except your feed up ego.

I dissected everything. All I did was proving how wrong you are and factually incorrect. While in fact all you did was to pathetically try to save yourself ofr redem yourself from the shame that you and your ideology represent. You are gone. You are not even aware of your own embarrassments and ignorances. The fact that you blatantly lie and provide 0 true unlike me who provides facts, evidences and true just proves my points.
PS: I am not in basement at all, but nice try of backtracking and deflecting. But let me give you advice
You in fact should try getting out of your mother’s basement.
There is nothing that I expected except for you to lose an argument and gave up by resolving in personal insults. But I am glad for it, since it proves me factual, while it proves you incorrect and incoherent.

I have big biceps



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Yeah I dont really pay attention to what anything he writes like that.

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You can physically see it.
Not only that, it went into effect because of your actions

You lied and kept lying.
The terms were if you didnt provide any evidence but kept responding, it meant you agreed to the contract.

That’s how this works.

Everytime you reply talking about the contract, you agree to the terms.

You want me to stop talking about the contract?
Then stop lying.

Because the contract has nothing threathing i
Or defamatory. It’s all facts.

Nothing you say can change this.

So just drop it. Move on.

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It does not exist physically, it only exist your imaginary nonsense.

It went into effect due to your own immature childish actions and it’s not real, but your schizo imagination.

There are no such thing as terms kiddo, it’s your fictional imagination in your schizoid spam post and threats.

It does not work, since it does not exist.

Once again it still does not exist and you are just digging yourself deeper and deeper by that.

I couldn’t care less about your own imagination, I just defend my integrity and dignity against spam posters and trolls like you.

You are the only one doing that.

Yes it does.

Not it’s not, it’s pure garbage threatening and defamatory.

Once again your fictional fantasy imagination.

You are the only one obsessed with me, so that implies only to you, drop it, because you wont get your satisfaction kiddo.

Yet you always pay and reply with brutality and childish emotions.

You guys nerf plasma splash damage but dont nerf this:

@Courier You call this intended gameplay


Lol. Like if plasma was actually nerfed.
Actually direct plasma shots were actually buffed in a decent way. Only splash damage was nerfed.
It was balanced to say the least. Nerfed?? No.

I love how you’ve said all kinds of fucked up shit, acted like a moron, and now wanna pretend you’re mature.

Dude your past actions have revealed how you really are, and your actions are made the contract exist.

You got an issue with it?
Go back in time and fix it.

If you cant, you’re bound to it.