Patch Notes 2.50

Lowering the splash damage is a nerfed smart guy.

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And increasing direct damage is buffering oh brilliant one.
Have you, by any chance, read what i wrote?

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I started not to anymore as well. He is far gone.

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Every action has reaction kiddo, your entire history of the chat for past 4 years is 8x worse than mine which would be equivalent of 40 years of human life. And it’s also bonus funny how this very screenshot you posted was reaction to your and senate’s death threats towards me, which was fully justified reaction, after threats of doxxing and killing me. (which I am not afraid slightly bit, you are keyboard warrior and always will be).

My past actions are again not even remotely close to your actions even in 40 years of human lifespan. And once again, there is no contract.

Only person that has issue with it is you
Only person who has obsession for me is you.

Keep dreaming your schizoid dreams.

TRANSLATION: You got fact checked and are embarrassed to admit it.

Well you are correct, but kinda, most of the people don’t know how to aim properly and hand held plasma caster in direct hit is not buffed in direct hit, it counts only for regular laser plasma caster, that one is only buff under direct hit, but that buff does not include the hand held one. So hand held is fully 100% nerfed, now as for regular plasma caster, it all depends how good you aim.

What fact checks are you even talking about, Karen?

You just posted your full mental disorder over there in those lines.

Get some professional help.

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Predictable reply, cope harder.

I fact checked your posts that were full mental disorder in those lines.

You are now more lower than ever, which means you have been put into your place.

You just got owned but your delusions know no bounds. Anyway

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LOL, sure, keep believing that.

That’s an over all nerf.
This is a fact.
You’re here saying it didnt get nerfed.
It did.

Come on man. How are you still a crying ft?

Just because you say words dont mean they’re true.

The contract exists because of your actions.
This is a fact.
You a bitch.

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he wont listen.

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Me crying? It was Samhain who cried. I only replied. And then you appeared from under Samhain’s desk.
THIS is a fact.

I say facts, words are representing both, it depends how they are used. Just like yours.

Your words with no facts and another fantasy.


Grow up.

Get help then. Talking to yourself?

You are one the biggest ft potatos crybabies on this game

I said nerfed splash dmg on my coment and overrall that made more difference than direct hits


Its an overall nerf yea the increase to direct hit dmg is not enough to make up for it in practice

Its always people that only play one side thay say the dumbest shit about the other side

The splash dmg is shit now, so its worse for pred if ft is inside buildings and has high ping


He wasnt crying he point out a fact.
Dont fucking cop an attitude with me bitch.
You’re here crying for no reason.

You got the nerf you cried for years back.

You keep lying. You false accused me. I told you to stop.
You didnt. So I made the contract to defend myself.

With your actions you agreed to the terms.

This is all recorded fact.

Your lies will not negate reality.
I realize you’re delusional, but I’m not gonna play along with your delusions.

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