Patch Notes 2.50

You Mike. You need help. That’s not a joke.

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There is no crying nor false accusation, another reflection of yourself.

You made your own imaginary contract, because you are unable to take an L and yes I did.

There are no terms.

Recorded imagination of yours.

Nice mirror image of yourself.

Yet you are playing, even though that comment is again another mirror image of yourself.

I am not Mike dude, that is your fictional character you imagine about me.

Have you ever seen a more pathetic character than this Skywanker dude?

He even surpasses Fantasma.

Nothing you say can negate the contract.
Your actions matter, not your words.

You agreed to the contract.
No going back now.

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The epitome of pathetic.

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Of course i am. Amd that triggers the fuck out of poeple like you. And i love it.
I was wondering when a so called good player started whinning about it. Plasma splash damage was the most stupid broken thing in this game along with the axe. It didn t even respect physics to say the least.
Of course players who relied on that now they are triggered, that was what assured half of their kills against a decent enough FT even on 1v1 situations. We all know the type of opponents you like to face are tbose potatoes who get caugt in a bear trap and start looking up and down without knowing what to do. Those are what makes your d|ck hard. Lol
We are talking about a weapon that needs 0 skill it even has a phucking laser pointer. Splash damage did the work. Now broken splash damage is gone, but there’s still laser and a now a buffed direct hit damage. Yes buffed. Really buffed. A charged shot can take 180hp ay least. You’re annoyed cause it affected your playstyle. Well welcome to the club. Since the beginning this game’s patches buffs and nerfs affected everyone’s playstyle in some way.

Who da phuck are you to talk about attitude? You’re one amongst many that first talk to people with insults everytime you wanna argue about something. Even when they’re not speaking directly to you. You’re by far tbe most crippy asshole this forum has ever created. You seem intelligent but say the most dumb and uncalled for things. So STFU, grow up and get a life.

You only play ft and want to talk about skill, it wont affect my winrate, trash like you still gonna lose

I play privates vs pc players, I dont care about you pub potatos

Pred didnt need any nerf, its already unbalanced enough, if you werent a puss and played as pred you would see the mess

play as pred then tell us what its like

talking to you bitch.
I pointed out the fact that you were crying about a pred nerf, and incorrectly saying it was a buff.

When I pointed out that fact, you popped an attitude on me for no reason.

See right here you’re calling me stupid for no reason.
I pointed out the fact that you were wrong.

Here I am, just stating the fact that you’re still crying about pred after all these years.

I didn’t insult you, I didn’t even say anything to fight or argue. All I did was ask you how you’re still crying after all these years.

Then you move to projecting and gaslighting here.
Sam wasnt crying, he pointed put a fact.
You got mad cause you couldnt handle me calling out your actions.

At this point I finally decided to return your energy to you cause I got tired of your attitude.

You look through the replies bro, you started this by calling me stupid.
Im supposed to let you walk over me like that?

Nah bro. And the reason I’m making this reply and walking you through what happened is so you can see why I clapped back at you.

You came at me with attitude because you couldn’t handle being called out for crying about pred.

And I didnt even say that to try to fight with you, I said it cause you genuinely were crying.

And then here we are in the final reply.

Like come on man.
We haven’t argued for the longest time.

But how do you expect me to not clap back at you when you started shit with me?

Usually I dont bother walking through the whole interaction, but I just want you to be clear on what factually happened and why I responded to you how I did.

You started it man.
Ain’t fair for you to talk all that shit then accuse me of stating it.

And look at this entire response.
You admit to just wanting to piss him off.

Like really?
You get off on tryna piss people off by lying and crying about pred?
That’s what you wanna do?

Dude the only one crying Is you.
Sam posted a fact about pred getting a nerf.
You’re here trying to lie and say hes the one crying.
That’s gaslighting bro.

Like god damn.

Fuck is wrong with you?
Why start shit after so long?
At this point?

For your information I played Pred a lot more than FT till i got scammed from Illfinic on Valkyrie. I admit i was at no point some top tier Pred but good enough to feel that plasma was a weapon for noobs. Only used it against players who really stick together as a strategy to make them spread apart. Never used it as a real weapon to down players and specially never in a 1v1 situation. i never felt that eager to win easily.

Go suck a lemon. I’m not reading your mental diarrhea.

Your imaginary one?

My actions come from my words, just like yours.

There is no such thing.

Of what? Your imagination?

You have nothing anymore to counter my argument 2 days ago that I fact checked?

Good joke.

It’s me pointing out how you started shit for no reason.
Read it.
It’s not me talking shit to you, it’s me telling you what happened.

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Dude you saying imaginary doesn’t make it so.

Your actions made the contract go into effect.

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I know what happened. I was there. I’m not reading your bullshit of what you think it was. Everything that comes out of your mind nowadays is a bunch of crap not worth reading it. Have a nice day.

I am still upset on you, you never want to hunt together with Arnie and me.