Patch Notes 2.50

You make it so.

Your imagination?

Nah. I only stated the facts of the situation.
You were crying and tryna gaslight others into thinking you weren’t.

That’s what actually happened.
Even sam called you out on it.

But fine be little bitch.
Thought you changed.

I dont play anymore, too many issues and it’s one of those games that at a certain point is just no longer fun to play.

You really are in denial.

Only imagination in play Is yours pretending the contract ain’t real.

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Post the contract again to verify that it is indeed real


No u

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Yous a baby back bitch.

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That’s actually you.

There is no contract, it’s your own imagination and angry rant that you created as fake attempt and failed attempt for rage baiting and spam posting.

The only spam posting was you when you tried copying me.
You even admitted the contract was real during your mental breakdown.

We don’t have to keep going back and forth btw.
All you gotta do is stop lying.

That’s all I ask.

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I was never copying you literally my dude. You are copying yourself and spam posting.

How did I admit? You mean whataboutism is admitting? Or your own fictional imaginary contract where you got and still have today mental breakdown?

No we don’t, it’s up to you.

I never lie, unlike you.

No you don’t.

Please stop lying.
If you do that, I will leave you alone.

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Phuck off.
To you and other morons like you when a FT main points out broken things or Pred buffs is crying. When a Pred main does it it’s facts.
You’re a hypocrite. Not only hypocrite but toxic also. You’ve been admitting you don’t even play the game so i assume you’re a toxic guy by choice. And now is where you got my last drop of attention. Go talk to whoever get their d|ck sucked by you.

Shut the fuck up bitch.

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Only one lying Is you.
Just stop already.

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See you’re starting shit for no reason.
This is why it doesn’t pay off tryna be polite.
Cause bitches like you always act like dumb fucks.

Nah it’s a fact.
You were crying, pred got nerfed.
Ain’t no hypocrisy.

That’s all you.

Dude you’re lying right now. Just stop.

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