Patch Notes 3.0.2 (Hotfix)

I think the only “workaround” for now is to leave the match immediately if you see someone using the reckless spec. I know it is not ideal, but fuck those exploiters.

Patiently waiting to find you in pubs and go Reckless on you. Don’t worry, I’ll shoot like one bullet at a time so it only does minimal damage =)

better watch your back, those pesky ai might get to you

not gonna lie, I’ve self-revived to activate reckless only to get downed by the massive group of AI surrounding me like immediately after. That sucked.


hahahaha! you’re a major ai magnet aren’t ya?

where’s my damn hotfix

I kind of stayed away from commenting as wanted to give this version and update a good chance. Graphics looks great but sound is mostly broken, matchmaking is broken (would be nice to have just one match without issues), additional glitches introduced… and all that for a hefty fee on a game we already had.
Can’t say any of it has been enjoyable.
Also having played a bit it looks like everything pred was buffed and everything ft but minigun nerfed.

Uh…this is the exact opposite…


actually, pred got nerfed and fireteam pretty much stayed the same. except pistols have less starting ammo now

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Snipers got reduced damage, grenades have reduced damage, ammo count is reduced. AI have been buffed, preds healing is faster. Then not to mention the glitch where you are stuck in the animation with the hook and can’t side step it… cutting the bullets means you run out of bullets killing AI most of the time.
But all that you can adjust to, it’s the fact you can’t get into a match most of the time or you get into a match and have two preds one of which is really AI. The way people get kicked from parties etc. Shameful illfonic. Such promises but the fools are us for falling for your crap and buying the ps5 version to support you when most developers published their ps5 versions for free. I’ll wait till the next update and see but you made the glitches even worse, not better. That takes real talent. And the sound- you upgraded the sound? To what exactly- more than half the time the roars for bomb is now missing … I can keep going on but I am sure you all documented this.
And how about a new map? Or even one new weapon for ft?
But then I understand preds being piased too. See plenty of them getting stuck or the other day an fr member unleashing the mini gun despite being in a net… the list goes on

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We can look this up dog

SAWZ has never had it’s damage nerfed it however did have it’s movespeed when equipped reduced in patch 2.5
the other 2 sniper rifles only had a balance patch from beta to launch never after

Grenades have also never been nerfed outside of the Grenade launcher where it went from impact to Timed
Ammo count was reduced as of most recent patch for all secondaries which is a fine nerf considering the 1011-12 can take 80% of every single predators life away with a single clip
hell prior to this update as FT i’ve never ran out of ammo in a game so it’s good that we need to actually try to conserve our ammo and be more careful with our shots and try to actually prevent the AI alarm from going off

AI have been buffed a few times in this games life and that’s also a good thing so the predator can actually play around the mission rather than them being non factor for the FT they should be trying to complete the mission and or clearing AI to make fighting the predator easier

medkit healing animation has also never been sped up or changed
your experiencing predators taking the medic perk which increases healing speed by like 30% one of the best perks in the entire game that more predators should be taking

As for the hook your describing the melee weapon tracking which has been improved for predator in two separate patches and melee is still dogshit because FT can just use their knives to parry predator away and as long as one other dude has eyes the predator loses 40% of his hp for that one attempted swing

everything else is bugs which yes i agree Illfonic should do better
But the other things are not real you can literally search in the patch notes topic any weapon or class with the posted user being Courier and find out yourself

if you are noticing predators seeming like their tankier this is due to a under the hood change regarding “Predator armor” Which for a long time didn’t work or when it did later on it was super negligible the short version is Predators take less damage based on which part of the body you shoot I’d recommend you aim for the head more often

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I am for the head plenty, thank you.

Bottom line the game is so glitchy is a joke. I mean got to give it to them to play the community like idiots. Shame on us. I mean what did we expect really. You’d think they would give us something to spend out millions of veritanium as a thank you. Instead they charged us to play a game that is even more glitchy that we already owned.

Only positive is the movement is better and the ability to adjust sensitivity is more detailed. But what good is that if your knife slices through the pred and you get zero damage for it

Why I see this topic only now ?

Jungle Rewards brought you back here…

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Some aspects got nerfed, yes, but let’s not keep the narrative “pred just got nerfed, while FT got buffed”

Pred energy got nerfed. Some pred damage got nerfed.

Pred armor got buffed, and as a consequence of that, all FT damage got nerfed. Is not much, is not really that much of a difference, but there is a difference nevertheless.

AI got insanely buffed, and while it is now absurd, it is still a nerf to FT. They appear now in hordes and basically activate the alarm as soon as they hear a gunshot. You can literally start disabling an alarm and an AI will run to it and activate before you can do it. So, if you don’t want to deal with annoying AI, you have to bring silencers and trade it for lower damage.

All FT ammo got nerfed, and specially pistols. People have been asking for a nerf to the 1011, well you got it. Was it what you were expecting? No, but the overall result is the same, people started switching to another secondary weapon because the 1011 with low ammo count is not as reliable as it was before. Bringing ammo bags now limits what classes and gear options you have. So, yeah, that’s how nerfs work. Do not make it useless, but make it that you have to switch your play style a little for the weapon to be actually useful.

Melee got somewhat buffed for pred, which means players now have to engage in more “risky” and careless play. Is this better? Probably not, but surely makes for less boring matches.

Now all they have to do is nerf the saw-z to the ground so premades stop bringing 2 and 3 snipers and playing “ranged” from a mile away.


You mean cus of armor? Its too small to make difference in practice

Ranged weapons, while ft did not, overall the last changed made it worse for pred than it was before


21/OUT/2024… It’s still like this:

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dude read the whole post. I make points on buffs and nerfs from a data perspective but also put my input, which concurs with what you say.

i did, i mean I think that melee on 1v1 now is better for pred, as that pred armor extra helps more in that scenario, but dont see it doenst anything vs more fts shooting

in practice the ft nerf was to solo queue as ft, playing alone is harder now, ammo etc, as premade those nerfs dont really affect you.


yeah. Is still a good nerf, at least better than no nerf. I used to play solo and still won around 90% of the time, now is more like 70%.

On premades it has never been difficult unless the skill gap between the team is substantial.