Patch Today?

“Some” being the key word mate

Which is who I was referring to 😁

Some isnt good , considering the console sale numbers and it being within the first 12 months .

And killing the last remaining enthusiasm even worse

Me or them? 😄 because I could do alot worse than anything I have said

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Dude, I can totally feel it in my urine!

Naw them.

If I took you seriously I’d get my head examined

Ouch , mega ouch

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Only yourself to blame bruh. After Eraser who could?

its red right?

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I dont take it personally, bro . I will put it down to the medicine cart being late on its rounds in your senior home 👍🏻

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Blue, with a touch of green… but its not by the colour that I can tell XDDDDDDDDD

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It get cranky without my pills

Hopefully they give you enough that you think eraser is good

I don’t do hallucinogens

You are missing out

Nah they just mess with my arthritis meds

Have a cocktail, sit in your armchair , trust me you would love the movie . If you are optimistic about this game? I think they are giving you waaay too much , or not enough

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They better buff FT!!!