PC Gaming

Mostly for gaming, some streaming, video editing, and browsing. It’ll also help me get a foot in the door for logistics jobs fixing racks having base knowledge

Yeah ,if youre working…get it all. Who the fuck will tell you what to do? Just make sure you cover your bases. lol
Console players dont have that opportunity. They are stuck with what they got. I boaght my console ps4 pro with the only intention of playing console exclusives.
My desktop requires things where ever I need it and I usually jump into gaming regardless if I dont meet the requirements of the game. The name Radeon holds really well on resell value as well as base line requirements.
I eventually upgrade one thing at a time whenever things go on sale.
But a 8GB videocard and a solid quad core will suffice. Ive gone through 4 or 5 different video upgrades in the last 15 years and all of them resold on ebay really well.
Then upgrading might lead you to ebay to get rid of your old stuff and believe me, the resale value on RAM, and video cards are always worth it~!
If you understand you’re not just commiting to gaming but also all the other day to day stuff than the financial investment is usually a no brainer.
Just think of it as a washing machine.

Oh yea 1TB is what I recommend, but was just comparing the two. The results are the same even at 1TB.

The NVMe is way faster than the SSD but higher price. The performance tho is not worth the money. SSD is the sweet spot for memory.

What are you talking about?

The only upscaling is Nvidia DLSS which is only available in certain games. If you set a game at 4K then that’s what you will get, unless DLSS is an option. At 1080p tho, you will get 1:1 pixel resolution in pretty much all games.

The two things he said in the build that I am curious about. That setup doesn’t have a wifi setup and the other is the program to run everything. So, I would have to also buy Windows 10 or something like that?

If you get a Z390 motherboard it will have wifi. Most Z370 motherboards don’t have wifi. The wifi is integrated with the motherboard or bought separately if it doesn’t have it.

Windows is the operating system you need to run everything, but you can find deals on it. I recommend the one that comes with the antivirus because you won’t have to buy it separately.

Don’t get discouraged, it will be worth it!

True, so any build videos that have say $1000 builds? I’ll just save more for it or know everything I need so when taxes come in I’ll have $2500 coming back to me. So, can spare $1000

No, discouragement, Highly intrigued and wanting to know more and see what my first ever build will be like. Be nice to sit back and be like wow I made that

Yea $1000 is more than enough. Start thinking if you want to go with AMD or Intel. Think of it as PS vs XBox, but in pc for your cpu. And for your gpu AMD or NVIDIA.

Intel and NVIDIA are the fancy ones. You’ll pay for the name.

Hmm, which is better? AMD or Intel? I know I see way more Intel. and NVIDIA I’ve seen so far is highly recommended

For your cpu AMD is more performance for the money. For gpu NVIDIA is Lexus and AMD is Toyota. Both perform great but one is more expensive.

Hmm, would you suggest just using AMD for both?

To save money yes. You will still get great performance. But if you want to be boogie and have a little to spare, go with intel and NVIDIA.

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Lol, want to keep it no more than a grand lmao

Then AMD for sure. Idk what motherboards are available for AMD. The ones I mentioned are for Intel.

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hmm, need one with built in wifi to since pretty sure we are getting Starlink which will be satellite internet

Ok will have to do research on which AMD motherboards have built in wifi.

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sweet, btw thanks for the help so far

Sure man…

Also, they sell cpu/motherboard combos to save some cash.

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