Petition DLC Skin 87 Predator

I would like to see a map where fire team has to build or set traps as they did in the original film with limited ammo and it would be cool to see something like this but I dont think the game is set up with the right mechanics to make that happen

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Only the Bio Mask can be unlocked, the skin no.

The skin is a bit forgettable to be honest. The mask is the most unique point.

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Nocture became my favorite, I got the plague mask in a box and it does look cool on my berserk I never use.

Prophet is my female hunter, but green on green with glyphic and the nocture? So dope.

A few masks the predators spikes stick though.,…,.,.,. not a big fan. one is jungle hunter, immortal, and the other is default. Jungle hunter head spikes stick right through his weak ass mask… why it sucked in predator… cheap Chinese material.

I mean, its the natural flow of the yaujta economy. It was only a matter of time before they contacted the Chinese to be a supplier.

They offer the lowest rates.

Side note: if you look at sides of the masks, some of them seem smaller than the the others. Like they leave alot of cheek exposed.

I’m level 100, I have Deluxe Edition, I opened a lot of loot boxes and not yet mask 87…

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Yesssss the '87 Jungle Predator skin here it is and all it’s glory, let those who haven’t pre-ordered it gaze upon it with envious eyes.


This is harsh, I also managed to miss the chance to pre order, I fully intended to pre order but annoyingly it slipped my mind. They did the same for The recent Star Wars game so why shouldn’t they do it here?

So what if it means its no longer an exclusive… you people are what make game communities so unlikable, everyone should get what they want if they are willing to pay for it.

You probably got annoyed when Horizon Zero Dawn went to PC after PS4 had it for over a year…

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I have it from my preorder. I only use this skin, its much better, more realistic(?!) than default skins. Problem with it is - you canot customize it. No armour color options no body skin options. Its just wat it is. Still looks cool, especially if you will put different masks on it

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Why are you posting pictures of my mother 🤣

The Prophet Mask is probably closest to the 87, and looks gorgeous.
I wish I’d pre-ordered so I could have the extra stuff, but hindsight is the bitch they say she is. However, it wouldn’t feel right if suddenly I could buy the skin as that was the whole reason people gambled with the preorder to begin with. I’ll settle for having the chance to unlock it in the lootboxes, and cherish it should I unlock it.

the '87 skin definitely looks better than all the other class appearances, imo. it looks like they actually spent a lot of time making it as good as possible.


I think only '87 Bio Mask can be unlocked in loot boxes not the skin though.

Yea and it feels more nostalgic since it was the first design in the original movie.

If People are trully fans of the first predator movie 87 , well they should of pre order the game just like I did…if not well to late


It is the only skin to have “black” armor color too.

But if they failed to nail the iconic one, this game would’ve been dead day one.

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Well that would kind of ruin it being a preorder exclusive wouldn’t it.


Yup basically. They should stay true to the word “exclusive” if not then then the word won’t mean nothing in the future.

If they said pre-order “bonus” then that would’ve been different and would allow for them to release the skin as a paid DLC in a later date.

But no, it’s exclusive.


the word exclusive in the gaming industry is often used quite loosely… often in alot of titles pre-order content eventually gets released as paid DLC. hell even exclusive games eventually make it to other platforms and it was time exclusive titles. one can be hopeful in this case.