PHG needs to be released on XBox

Ok, so I know Sony Interactive is behind the production of Predator Hunting Grounds, which is why they have it exclusive to the PlayStation/ PC.

But here me out… if it was released into the XBox gaming community, that would drastically cut down in que times, Illfonic/ Sony and everyone else would have larger pockets to push the game even further and it would be available to a much larger audience!

PlayStation and XBox are the juggernauts of the console gaming community! Not having PHG available on both platforms with cross play is an unbelievably missed opportunity! I really hope at some point it’s released for the XBox as well. I believe it would only positively reinforce such a great game and help in carrying it further!


It would just break your xbox


I don’t have an XBox

Did you even read the post or just see the title and throw up your junk spam?


I wouldn’t mind if it were released on Xbox however I can see all the issues from a mile away. It’s hard enough dealing with the bugs on two different versions of PlayStations but add in epic and steam versions and you already have ton of issues. Now throw in another console and you may as well forget about getting hot fixes done anytime soon.

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I completely agree, then I might even turn crossplay on and risk getting into PC players…

“Ok, so I know Sony Interactive is behind the production of Predator Hunting Grounds, which is why they have it exclusive to the PlayStation/ PC.”

Why the hell isn’t Sony giving Illfonic money to make this game good and not content lacking bugfest? It’s not like the Predator universe isn’t well known or popular in pop culture…

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Problem is Illfonic, PhG should be somehow given to a good company or at least a proper triple A company could make a PhG type of game that is actually good with the things we want - content and minimal bugs.


My spam is better than yours thanks

I totally understand in regards to the issues and bugs. But I’m thinking that if it was available on both platforms, then there would be a much larger team working on PHG which would eliminate so many of the issues that we currently have in game.

I really do think it would be a huge positive turnaround for the current state that it’s in.

Does anyone actually know how many resources Illfonic puts into PhG in regards to their other games? From the state of the game doesn’t seem to be a lot…

Where’s all that Sony money again, why isn’t Sony helping Illfonic, they’re clearly a poor double A studio with mediocre programming…

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Xbaxs record double kill post all social
Xbaxs smash

Ok? The end.

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lol money doesn’t make games good, the dev talent does.
You could throw another million at cyberpunk its still fucked at a fundamental level & it would take insane man hours to turn it into the game that was promised.

Illfonic’s a little outsourcing company that pays like shit and wants to hire AAA devs to take contracts for dimes & no devs with AAA experience want to work as a lead at fucking illfonic on their penny pinching contracted games. I’d also say they halfass it because its under a publisher but I can’t say arcadegeddon is fairing any better than their usual flop.
There’s a reason we get buggy half finished updates at the last day of the month and its not because of a good work ethic.

Xbox has halo… all they need 👍

Sony giving money to Illfonic so they could hire proper good devs who know how to code and make a good game so they could pay them good salaries to keep them to get the good games done. Simple.

A proper good dev would be working at one of the giants or an indie passion project not Illfonic’s corporate deadline fiesta.

The only “talent” they end up with is people new to UE that can’t optimize to save their life

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cough sorry what did you say

That’s why they need more Sony support, Sony needs to encourage the good devs (they have that influence, it’s Sony) that are not already working on something to work for Illfonic and pay them good to keep them there. But nobody cares about this franchise it seems.

If its so simple, why haven’t they done it yet?

game went on ps plus after 1 year if anything illfonic should be selling their children to sony xd

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PHG needs to be released on XBox.