PHG needs to be released on XBox

Because they don’t care about this franchise and think that Spider Man and Wolverine and God of War are the most important money bringers and don’t realise that if they made an incredible triple A AvP multiplayer game it would be an absolute hit.

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People have been under the impression that throwing money at things will magically fix everything in the dev industry since forever.

game is bad? just go hire the lead dev at Ubisoft wtf


AvP2010 was considered a commercial flop so your beef lies with SEGA


AvP is a very obscure franchise. The names you listed off are, yes, AAA properties, the whole world knows them, so of course more money will be poured into hiring a much larger and capable studio to produce the game. I’m sorry but it would not be as big of a hit as you claim.

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Oh boy…
I’m not even going to touch this one.

I will


Let’s be real if Alien and Pred sold like Spiderman or Batman we wouldn’t be here.

It’s niche.
Licensed IP games in general are.

It would be a massive hit if it was made well, unlike the 2010 one or PhG stuff. A good, fun, immersive story mode. Constant quality content updates and balancing. Different predator classes, different alien classes (even predalien), synths for humans as well… The variety of weaponry oh my… Also how they work… Good, balanced varied maps. Good, balanced varied game modes. The possibilities are endless for this franchise, they just don’t know how to do it properly.


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Read the rest of my post and don’t quote one line from a whole context of text.


THAT’S the word. Niche. But both could apply.

@Xenomorph why not? Why can’t you properly debate the subject? Are you unaware that the last number of films from both franchises have flopped amongst critics AND fans? And that the next Pred film is being very poorly expected? OG Alien and Predator are classics, yes, and people know them, yes, but they are NOWHERE near the status of Marvel, DC, God of War, etc.


k whatever troll

Troll is a complement brah

I can agree with this.

Predator and Alien franchises are both on par with Marvel and DC. Just like all time classic movies like Back To The Future or Forrest Gump. God of War doesn’t even come close to how popular and well known in the world is the Predator/Alien universe.

AvP2 is that way ->

In general asymmetrical arena games like that are likely never coming back.

AvP is traditionally 3 games in one & that was back when developers actually took time to make a bunch of completely different playstyles so that the game was fun to play for themselves and not cater to five thousand people that get motion sick playing Alien.

Just Spiderman products alone outsells them both combined. Globally. In every category.

By billions and it’s not even close.

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Might be true, I don’t know the sale statistics on Marvel/DC paraphernalia, movie sales compared to Predator / Alien and AvP stuff combined.

Still doesn’t detract from the fact that a triple A AvP game with good story mode and an incredible multiplayer would be a hit that would last a long time for the very least :)

Did some math for you.

The Alien franchise has grossed exactly $590,192,754.
The Predator franchise has grossed exactly $395, 791, 885.
Both of these include AvP and AvP Requiem.

The ENTIRE Marvel cinematic universe, currently stands at $22.93 billion.

I don’t think “on par” is the right phrase for this.