⭐Thanks to this winning skull from the poll
1st Suggested Sunday Chibi Event!
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⭐Suggested by @Fire
Being the last skull in the batch.
We went with a bit more for limit pushing.
Hoping Fire Likes the new offering!
My favorite part, armor shines and Reflective surfaces.

Read Story Here
LEGENDS of Lar’j’a
On Home Ship
Looking down on her desk.
She grabbed off it’s bronze engraved surface.
A weapon with several heavy weights attached to it’s netting.
“You can always back down”.
Called with a low click.
A male Yautja standing in the doorway.
Combistick in hand.
The female Yautja taller then them.
Turned and pulled down her painted helmet.
“This is my time to prove my worth”.
Which, the male Yautja shifted.
“It is death that you’ll find seeking this worth.
I respect that”.
And, with a nod from the male.
Holds out the Combistick for her.
It retracts and shrinks down.
And, the male drops the stick within her hands.
“I wish you good hunting, Lar’j’amedha”.
Some Years Before this.
On the Umbra Clan ship.
While the holo sun is just about to set.
A young group of pups play in the Forest.
Quiet as it could be.
It would be disturbed by the sudden brush violently shaking!
A creature the likes of a rabbit hops through!
Feet fast and tapping off the ground.
It shows no haste in stopping!
Roars a young a Yautja Pup.
Fast on his feet and leaping from branch to branch!
He pulls his makeshift spear from his back.
Aiming at the quick witted rabbit.
Throwing with precious aim!
The tiny spear pins itself into the soil.
The light green pup’s eyes widened before narrowing in annoyance.
Quick to leap down and rush to his spear.
He yanks it from the ground.
Looking around as he brushes his thumb along the tip of the weapon.
Till he see’s a leaf flutter down by his side.
Looking up!
The pup see’s his rabbit in a net above his head.
And Raors before stabbing his spear down into the dirt!
He clicks in annoyance.
“Get out here you no good runt”!
Arms up, fists balled tightly.
And not before long does the little Dark yautja female leap down before him.
“That was MY kill!
Now, get your DIRTY TRAPS off my TURF”!
He stomps, looking up at the slightly taller female.
The female pup clicked back.
“Last I recalled, this isn’t yours or anyone’s turf.
Fair game”!
But, the male pup wasn’t having it today.
“I wasn’t talking about land.
That rabbit is my turf!
That kill was mine!
And you stole it.
The little males mandibles flared as he arched his back.
The Two would clash.
With the little dark female tackling the green one into the dirt.
Wrestling with each other.
Fists only started flying the moment one started pulling pred-locks!
The light green pup would eventually stand only to be kicked back down!
And once he looked up, he was met with his own spear at his throat.
Yet he knocked it away!
“You’ll never be one of us”!
Slowly getting his feet.
The female reaching down to pick up the spear.
But when she heard him click back with insults.
“What kind of Yautja traps their prey!
No wonder your Rotten Blooded parents left you to die”.
She swung his own weapon up and at him.
Hitting the little green male.
He was back on his rump once more.
A nice cut along the green pups face.
Roaring back at him.
“I’m more then you’ll ever be, you little shit”!
Now we Return.
She knelt down before the Umbra Alter.
Giving thanks to the gods of their worship.
And as Lar’j’a stands.
She turns to face the Matriarch.
The Large Red skinned Huntress places her hand on Lar’j’a’s shoulder.
Giving a firm but respectful shake.
And Lar’j’a returns the farewell.
She turns to face the many yautja guards.
Walking through their uniformed lines.
Now exising the Galley Hall.
Not turning back.
She knows she is being watched as she makes her way to the docking station.
Where she flips open her wrist pad.
Tapping in the many numbers to bring her ship alive.
Course as its hatch comes down.
She is quite impatient, leaping up before it fully comes down.
Once inside her ship.
Lar’j’a closes the hatch, making her way to the main control chair.
Swiping her fingers along the holo screen and bringing up the planet Chi’ytei’jehd’in.
Another screen unfolds to reveal the many wishes from others.
All stating their Respects and good luck to the Huntress.
Finally Lar’j’a brings up a large screen listed with many creatures.
But, stopping on one profile.
She eye’s the name Thwei’awu’asa Hou-depaya.
“The Blood Armor of the Gods”.
Lar’j’a’s Ship would descend from the docks of the Umbra Home ship.
And rocket down in to the large Planet bellow.
Disappearing amongst its clouds and many colors.
Tales told to many Yautja Pups to this day.
How Lar’ja dropped down on their home Planet.
Using her nets to effectively stop the invasion of Essence.
As the sickness took hold of one Hou-depaya creature.
A god like dragon used in Umbra rituals.
Lar’j’a was the first to ever successfully save the god from corruption.
And the land bellow flourished once more.
But at the sacrifice of her own life.
Lar’j’a would be berried on the home planet.
Her shrine carved in stone and the blood of their gods.
Before being over taken with floral life of all kinds.
Preserving it in secrecy forever.
✔Approved by: @Fire
Format by: Papa_ApplePie
Review & Finale Edits by: Asmodious & Pappa_ApplePie
Written by: Papa_ApplePie
The Last Poll Skull
With this being the last skull.
Next Sunday will be a poll to gather new skulls.
Ontop of the ones we already have!
We hope everyone’s enjoying the tiny events we can provide.
All while working on our main project behind curtains.
Again, we can’t thank you guys enough!
Wishing you all a Glutenous Hunt!
(And hoping I didn’t forget anything lol)