Plasma Caster Slpash nerf.

That should be tied to bow

Nerf splash dmg, increase direct hit dmg.

I kill 2 to 3 ft members AT A TIME with not even a full charged plasma shot.

Would much rather have to full charge it and directly hit the FT to down 1 instead of the whole team by splash dmg.

Imo thereā€™s no honor using the caster to pepper the team and eliminate them that way. Would rather have to charge it up for longer, for a stronger shot. (Maybe decrease the dmg of non charged shots? And have the splash dmg reflect how long you hold it for? Could be an alternative to my suggestion)

Right now you can just do small shots and the splash will finish FT.

Leave it alone


Why not every weapon?
I feel the bow should get more physical effects.
Such as a wire trap arrow.
Maybe shoot one arrow then a second one to connect it to a wire to create a bomb or trip wire bombs.

Or the arrow if it misses can shoot off the arrow head and stab into the ft and make it so they can run more than 5 feet away.

Stuff like that.

Ft does more than enough damage to be to handle stuff like this.

This whole honor thing makes no sense.
They shoot repeatedly, bullets at the pred. Why is it ok for them to do it but not pred?

I mean why not just give pred his iconic lock on shot then?
Make it so he can only shoot 2 before overloading.

At this point the ft can more than match that in terms of dps and being able to fight against it.

Make it so we can select what pc we want too.
A direct shot focus, or splash focus.

I think the lock on would be an easy step in leveling the playing field

Maybe it should be a perk?


Not so much a perk, though that could definitely be a route to take.

But more like an option.
What kind of arsenal do you want your pred to have?

Do you want to focus on huge damage with direct hits?
Or do you want chip away at them at have a bigger radius.

From there add different mods that make sense or match the type of pc you have.

The pred needs a way bigger arsenal with more approaches and style of fighting.

Like a trapper style that only fights with traps,
A direct style with say melee,
A range style which is kind of what everyone has to do atm,
Maybe even a summoner style, where you unleash creatures or different types of drones.

These are the only ones I can think of atm.
This is what I want to see.



i mean you say that but in my experiance against premades aiming the plasma caster is a means you just lost your mask cause of the currect FT dps and they can rez in a single second so sure you down one or 2 people thatā€™s fine they instantly get up anyway if you somehow landed those shots and they didnā€™t just look at you spot you and take your mask in 2 bullets along with 50% of your hp

and if your going to tell me BuT tHe RaNdOms? then give them a fucking menu prompt to tell them about specilizations there all available at level 1 or the level you unlock the class in the case of scout and recon just fucking use them

plasma caster is fine imo now if there is a spec that like increases its dmg by like 20% than you have an arguement next patch

regardless everyone elses sentiment is just as valid why the fuck have we only gotten melee weapons as the predator and a ranged dmg gear tool
give us more tools so we donā€™t have to rely on the 3 only ranged weapons in the game or the only 2 CC items in the game
OR the ONLY weapon that has good AOE splash for when the FT is grouped up

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Iā€™d appreciate the splash damage more if we had some more variety in the types of gun or backpack mounts. Simply give us alternate guns or firing modes so that way youā€™d see splashing less. You need it for camping or pinned FT so instead how about variants that change play style.

Like a flamethrower would be awesome kind of like a death ray that sets the impact point on fire. You could box ft in or set them ablaze for dot.

Alternatively a mortar launcher could take a lot of energy but itā€™d be something that excels with splash so youā€™d do heavy damage but canā€™t aim it as easily as the normal caster.

This will be interesting test to see if someone they feature on twitter frequently actually gets what they want. Opposed 20 or more in the past months asking for a tool actual to be viable.

I say bring back the avp 2010 caster. Lock on when you hold charge button down and laser is in vicinity of the target. No target leading though so on moving targets it misses. But if it his, you fucking explode.

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nah its fine as it his, grenade have still more damage than a full charged plasma shot. so no, no nerf its the only viable weapon against full premade with the bow.

If they returned the one shot plasma blast I might allow the reduced splash

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Dude donā€™t feel like that its 4vs1 get real. The damage ft deals out is unforgiving, splash damage is the least us preds deserve. Donā€™t forget all the bugs predator deals with mid game, thats bullshit rite there. Ft should feel bad for us lolol

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Preach on the bugs. My last match I encountered

  1. Bow not charging
  2. Canā€™t claim
  3. Canā€™t get into trees

I just ended up leaving šŸ–•

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Happens about every match, if its no one its the other or all in one smh illfonic sucks

The Plasma Caster is fine as it is, itā€™s the Fireteam potato-players youā€™ve met who stays in the open field that needs to learn how to take cover.

If anyone is to feel guilt then itā€™s the Fireteam with their hitscan, damage output and the speed which Field Medics can bring downed players up again.


Truth bomb

My only issue with the current plasma caster splash range is that I feel incentivized to shoot the outside of buildings to kill the FT inside, but maybe that was illfonicā€™s intent?

Just feels dirty, but they get specializations and I donā€™t, so screw the FT, ha ha ha ha. šŸ˜ˆ


Yeah sure lets take another advantage away from the Predatorā€¦while weā€™re at it lets make his armor out of paper too so he takes 4 times damage now, in fact we could also make the Predator glow bright multicolors and flash like a strobe light while heā€™s aiming the PC, why stop there? lets also make his energy 3 times as fast to drain but make it come back like a trickle chargeā€¦
You know because its just not enough that any Pred can be melted in under 5 secs by just 2 FT members that are even slightly above potatoes using some of the right perksā€¦
Leave My Damn Plasma Caster Alone.