Plasma caster too OP?

Plasma caster should have limited ammo. Infinite makes it hard to play… very easy for predators to exploit it by just jumping around and spamming. I just want to play a fair, fun match - win or lose, but hard to do so when I run out of ammo, and pred is able to keep spamming caster. Anyone else agree??


Sniper rifle go bang




Well the only change i would agree for it to be added to caster is the more u spam the more energy is being wasted same like how the more u use melee the more stamina ur using… but it would still make sense u can spam it like in the movie lol… if u remember final scene where jungle junter just goes nuts with the plasma

But in all honesty the only reason pred can win and only win is cause of plasma lmao… unless u can magically traverse trough out ground and use nets and melee and not get hurt by others easily

The balance of the game is in FT favor. So GIT GUD and stop your fkn whinning.


Yes let’s limit the ammo of the predator even farther when the fireteam has basically unlimited ammo to work with. Get off my game you scrub.


It’s gotta be a little better regulated but 100% should remain of infinite use.

My issue is splash. It takes 0 skill to sit in a tree spamming caster and downing a team no matter where they are. Maybe it should only fire if fully charged, or just reduce splash radius. Regardless, it needs looking at but considering how formidable ft is… its not the biggest concern right now lol just hope you land with a team that remembers how to aim and shoot.

Dutch had hipfire damage boost , mud protection and probably reckless . Not to mention the parry? Jungle hunter had no chance

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not like in this scene dutch could have been decapitated… no wayyy it couldnt be right… pfft… he obviously had plastic wrist blades just as a show u know

Didn’t he widen the blades to trap him?


Exactly my point XD


Ah 😁 not the most unrealistic part of the movie though , considering

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There must be a diferent between an Alien and a Human
So I think it’s fair
Git gud 😁


no, anyone that plays pred against a good team knows how weak it is. your sniper can hitscan the pred down before he can get a good shot or 2 off… if you are getting constantly barraged by it then that means the team is a potatoe and can’t coordinate. the one being shot should keep moving while the others shoot the pred and make him run away.

It seems bad because your team didnt know how to deal with it, and in a rando-public match thats hard to do, but its definitly not OP. just have to learn how to counter it with teamwork. pred is so very vulnerable to line up those shots and it takes a lot of skill to lead them on a moving target.

Potatoes sitting in a hut is just asking for plaspam… keep moving and try and coordinate ur team via MIC. or get with a good squad and work together.

Against a good team its one of the only effective ways to get any damage done. so no, definitly should not limit it.


failure of planning. the fireteam has ammo bags and ammo crates all over the map. then when you reenforce you get them all back again.

If no one has taken ammo bags maybe you take them? even if youre with randoms u gota think about loadouts.


Run support with prepper and the LMG and PDW done

Put on dexterous and FM while your at it

It’s a weapon that casts superheated gas at the speed of sound…


Don’t even need ammo bags, just run support with prepper on the LMG

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