stfu, role playing as yautja will get you banned from the forums. Because obviously were here talking as peoples. If you can’t talk like a normal game player, then dont respond with shit comments like that. Respond like your a person playing a game. Im sick of shit comments.

Dude, chill out your attitude. I can see why people ditch you if you shit talk constantly. No one wants to play with someone who’s gonna be toxic and dictate what someone does

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o one wants to play with someone who’s gonna be toxic and dictate what someone does

gud! Just so you know if i dont like your attitude i can ban you and you’ll be ok with it. We’re in agreement.

sweet and their spines even sweeter.
No. just no. Banned. This is how i work dude.

Look at it this way, if this were a StarTrek Federation vs Ferengi game and you start role playing the shit out of Ferengi chances are likely I wouldnt want to here any comments coming from a real Ferengi (bottom line)! Not only is it disresepectful to ppl in the forums but its just bad taste.

Its a fucking problem with fake accounts on twitter with ppl with real names or real photos of real people, so it most definitely wont be played out here.

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Mass. If you dont calm down I will taze you.

I am a non-rage-quitting Playstation fool.

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Anyone else see Bloodthirstylord vs @Arrow_calis?

7593 Pred damage alright!


Bro I’m seeing the same situation more often than usual.

I had a 1v1 with the Predator throughout the match, he with the plasma cast and I with the sniper. At one point he decided to go in melee, 3 FT’s were around me, dude jumped on me, parried him 3 times and eventually he killed me, not a single shot was fired at him.

When I died and went into spec mode, 3 dudes were just standing with their knifes out. The most retarded thing is, noone even came at him to stab him, they just stood there and watched me getting killed.

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I never rage mass

So don’t say every ps player

Hoss this is hella anecdotal. I have pc players and ps4 players leave the same exact amount

Most of these games you are mentioning in which you get claimed in front of 3 people are the reason why Illfonic is doing the wrong thing in term of balance. They kept buffing damage and they didn’t realize problem of randoms is spotting or hear the Predator. Most of PlayStation players font use headset and they probabily didnt lower the music volume in game. So basically Pred jump in and go 1 vs 4 and they dont understand that they have to stop searching for veritanium, doing the mission or search for mosquitos. I have seen a lot of people be attacked from being with the wrist blade and they keep interacting with the mission. On the other hand, with this damage and damage reduction the fireteam has, only ONE decent player can solo kill the Predator now! So I would say: nerf damage and damage reduction and nerf cloak and change in game sounds to help noobs. At high level cloak is useless , you dont even rely on it; so it wont be a loss compared to the reward you get from a damage nerf. If you think cloak is necessary against premade then you are just a noob and not a good player. What Pred needs against premades is not to die in 2 seconds as soon as he trys to do something. What noobs ft need is to recognize the position of the Predator so they can protect each other and not get claimed in the middle of 4 people. @OldKingHamlet @Courier


Nice carry for @Arrow_calis. I’d say BTL did ok, tho, surprisingly. Maybe he got lucky with all those heals. If @Arrow_calis had the drone he could have got him during the many pig buffets.

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I got both lucky and unlucky. He didnt kill the last guy at the reinforcements station. At the same time my knife glitched out and I couldnt kill him at the last moment in the exfil. Good game and fun tho.


No its cause ppl like you and ur squad who let the pred win cause you dont want to shoot ai or run around to get vt for 1:30. So you let the pred get his win condition

It did look fun

I had 1 Million and 300k veritanium man

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Massimpact. Just breathe. Enhance your calm.

Tell James Cameron what’s really bothering you. Is Hulk Hogan ringing your doorbell and running away again? Can you still not smell what the rock is cooking? Let’s get to the root cause of this anger. Did you get touched inappropriately in the dressing room? Tell uncle James.


Still. You are allowing the shitty win condition Illfonic out in place. Im not picking on you or ur fellow no defusers but It has to be the only reason Illfonic thinks preds win 99% of their games

No unless you disclose your psn to the world

Probably yes, our listlessness is one of the reason Illfonic devs think ft doesn’t hold 99,9% win rate.