As am I. Have never quit during FT. The only times I quit as Pred is if the bomb is successfully diffused. Then I’ve lost for sure, and there’s no point in hanging around. I try to get into another match asap. Thats the only time I feel its acceptable and even then, the match is over anyway. Being a lvl 150, theres no xp to lose either.

I am also disturbed by that and try to avoid it, but in the end everyone does what they want. I did that often and someone spoke to me about it and in fact I needed that to see that it was disturbing. My power often goes out here at my place, so sometimes you can’t do it. But I am happy when I get comments so I know what I’m doing wrong

Preach brother

Stay away you furry!

You’re the furry.

James Cameron can’t be dealing with messages and invites 26 hours a day. (James Cameron is on Deep Space 9 time)