PlayStation Players

The Differences PC Vs PS

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That’s not a PC vs PS difference. Almost no predator player, on PC or PS wants to face those players, LOL

If is just one of them with 3 potatoes, you might have a chance. Two of them is almost impossible unless you are good. 3 of them is enough to guarantee a win for them unless you are really good. 4 of them , you might win if you are one of the best players.

You really have to “abuse” loadouts and weapons like disc, charged plasma, elder/stalker, CH/analytic, paired with downrange ALWAYS.


Yeah but the way they move it’s impossible to hit them with an arrow shot they’re like 1 to 2 seconds ahead of me so that’s a disadvantage that shouldn’t be there the whole point of the video is to show how disadvantaged PS players are To PC especially this team that and to show exactly how full of themselves they are I feel like you’ll get a genuine idea of how these guys actually behave they wanted to kill me so bad lol 😂 at the end they was salty listen to what they say and how they say these things in the end it’s just a game you should play to have fun and if they are the best players in the game they should treat people with more respect

There are alot of PS players who run like the devil against PC preds… so you’re completely wrong on this. Just get gud son. and a better internet.

Get gud? Lol 😂

I didn’t even die though?

I actually went on the second match with my plasma rifle + minigun build and asked the others to not come with me when I tried to go after you alone. Even told them to let you heal when you went second wind. At least for me I was just playing for fun and I dont think I said anything disrespectful to you or acted cocky after the matches.

You can see the matches from my pov here:

I played against ps preds like onskie and cptclutch and they did good with the bow and disk vs me and others. One of the main problems is that you were using an uneffective Predator build vs a pc team, its wasnt just about ps vs pc.

Yeah I probably should have used a scout like you said lol 😂 bro you was tho like right at the end you came out super strong yeah thanks for trying GG like bruh? Then go on to be like so I understand you don’t like being killed? Even though I understand mojo said that but it’s also the tone of voice that wasn’t friendly at all man then even afterwards when you guys stayed for questions which was the probably the only thing nice you guys did you go on to insinuate me being upset or butthurt when nobody even died so these are again maybe cultural differences of what is accepted as respectful or being nice and friendly but these are things I don’t think are nice kind or respectful especially from one content creator to another that’s all I’m saying other than that yeah you guys are good and GGs but again there’s not much a PlayStation Player could do against a PC Death Squad you even said it yourself

That was just an example I used to explain how speed has important for the Predator as on that day I did privates against those same players and tested a Scout build vs them, Scout would be a better option than Viking yes.

Saying “thanks for trying” is offensive? Okay that’s new, I’m from Brazil so yeah culture differences maybe, I was trying to be nice actually, saying that in portuguese isn’t seen as bad, I think I said the same when Cadillac also tried to play as pred vs me with a full squad, and he didnt took it like you did. In regards to Mojo’s comments, nothing to do with me, but I think he was trying to say that just running trying to not get shot wasnt the way to go, it was his way to give advice, you needed to be more agressive, as Predator sometimes you just need to say fuck it and risk it if you want to kill someone.

Insinuate you were butthurt? I didnt really care about how the match went, I went with my minigun fun build and was wandering alone on the map most of the time. I spent like 30 minutes talking to you after the matches to see if I could answer your questions and give you advice on how to play as Pred better and that’s how you see it ? Sure depending on the pc players on the ft the chances of a ps pred winning are very low but some of them can do well and get 1 kill or 2 sometimes.

Sounds fun

Yes !

Yeah man your tone of voice the way you said yeah man thanks for trying it was just aggressive then to immediately say ohh you don’t like to be killed you guys were definitely taking shots you guys definitely wanted to kill me and that’s fine but yeah I don’t have fun doing things like this I like to laugh and enjoy myself I don’t think I would have ever invited you to something like that but hey we’re different and that’s okay I respected you as a content creator when I asked for a match with you this is what you gave me ill let the viewers decide on what they want to make of it if you ask me you guys obviously have great skill and for the best players in the community I figured you would want to inform people as best as possible & that’s probably the only reason why you stayed to answer questions I never denied that but that was probably the only humble or nice thing you guys did but you know damn well you guys were being jerks towards the end or you wouldn’t have said that it would have been like hey man GG that was a great match not Yeah Thanks For Trying then following behind it with some snarky comment like cmon man

Nah that’s an impression you are making, at least for me I wasn’t trying to sound agressive, maybe its just the way I speak. I literally asked them to not kill you when you went second wind on the match, you can see that on the video from my pov. You are being way too sensitive about this game, if I wanted to kill you I wouldn’t have used my minigun build, I wasnt taking the match seriously cus I don’t take this game that seriously at this point, specially while playing as ft. There was no intent to use the matches show off or anything.


I’ll have to see from your perspective then maybe it’s how I perceived it then again I didn’t get to see your video until now

It’s times like these that I would try to derail an argument and try to get people back on track. I will however not do that for fear of going off topic so I will instead suggest to take this into PMs.

Also I will ban myself for this so don’t try to stop me.

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I still stand on a few things though that comment wouldn’t have been made on a friendly behalf

It’s was only supposed to be me dropping a video and walking away next time that’s what I’ll do

But you know once I answer one they all starting coming out I should have known better my bad 😞

Sometimes it’s better to just not say anything at all and go back to getting me banned or blaming @Fire.

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I know what I must do but don’t know if I have the strength to do it lol 😂

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