PlayStation Players

Added you, I’m down whenever you wanna run a private.

Why you trying to make it seem like PlayStation vs PC?

It’s more like you vs good players

I don’t understand your post trying to slander PC players. That one morning you were drunk and got banned and now this. Try not to think of it as pc vs ps players as both system has potatoes. This just happened to be good players you were playing.

Thanks for trying isn’t rude.

Playing predator is difficult. That’s why players that play predator refuse to play in privates vs premade teams. They always hide on Ft.
Some people hate losing so much they don’t even bother trying.

How do you expect to win with that Viking vs good players in private with the style you play?

I played you a while back in private just 3 of us. 3v1
Sturmi, Bandido, and I. We ripped your mask in the first two minutes and killed you within 3 minutes.

I myself was a terrible predator then I decided to practice as pred and for like a month ( like a month before the game died) I played nothing but private matches with the guys off discord took so many L’s
I used to play a Valkyrie ghost and was somewhat a slasher.

Scarface, Sam, Thunder etc.
said hey bro change it up you can’t win like that.

Took their advice on so much stuff.
Builds, weapons, strategy and tactics

My growth as a player was exponential.
I was able to start beating premades regularly and even started getting kills and putting up better fights against full pc teams.

You can sit there and pout when you lose and say hacker, aimbot, macros, pc scum, they think they’re the shit look how cocky they are or you can do something about it.

Whining about them being mean makes you look sad.


I’ve played against them. To me is not fun unless they are alone with 3 other players that aren’t that good.

That’s just how they play. Kill the pred. They’ll chase you down. I get it. I do it too, though sometimes it just becomes boring.

We actually had the most fun in weeks playing a few matches the other night trying to not kill the pred. That proved to be more difficult than killing them. LOL

The movement shit, I dunno man… I don’t think PC moves faster, though with high ping you will teleport, that can backfire and also applies to pred. Last night had a pred teleport from tree to tree and then melee my face and claimed me in a split second. It had over 400ms ping.

I avoid playing privates with them because we are all in different parts of the world and there’s always high ping and connection issues. Either someone disconnects, you have to deal with 300ms ping, teleporting, AI dying seconds after you shoot them… is just a nightmare.

I also didn’t see any disrespect. Someone advising you how to play is no disrespect, take it with a grain of salt if you don’t like it, but I’ve learned a lot from these guys and my skills as Pred have definitely improved by doing livestreams over discord and have others analyze your gameplay and give you pointers on how to get better. I usually have some, like Beer, Sirius and Samhain coach me while I play, and trust me, it helps


Don’t forget we move faster and are two seconds ahead of console. We play in the future lmaooooo 🤣😂


Title Change

Bruh, why the hell would you use Viking enraged against them?? Also, there were plenty of opportunities for you to shoot plasma at them but you didn’t.

Dude you keep bringing up hardware but the truth is and I hate to break it to you. You’re not that good as predator. Being day 1 doesn’t mean jack shit.

I’ve seen @WS6_BANDIDO set up. It’s an old piece of shit PS4 maybe 7 -8 years old. He plays on an old 52” Tv and he still gives people whip regularly. One of the best console players both ways and he’s playing on old devices and on top of it he plays on wifi.

And no, the pc players are not 2 seconds faster than you because of hardware. You sound silly saying that.

Like I said before, you can’t even beat a console team of 3 players. How and why would you complain that pc players are too OP.
When good console teams beat you in the same fashion?

You’re a nice guy. I really enjoy your impersonations the David Attenborough stuff is great but you’re just not as good as you think you are.

Playing premades in private is a wake up call for most preds.

The first step is admitting it to yourself. The next step is deciding if you want to stay a bum or get good.

Play with better players. Pick their brain.
Hey why did you do that? I noticed you did this here, why did you do that over this? Etc

Watch their gameplay and try to mimic their play style.

From what i seen pc preds have the advantage over ps players due to instant weapon swaps with no fast hands. That makes their combos really fast. The ability to manipulate the sensitivity of the disc with a single click to just shred players. And they’re going to be slightly more accurate with bow and combi.
But ps player can be just as accurate but probably not as consistent.

Will you be able to beat a pc deathsquad most likely not. But you should maybe be able to beat ps premades in private.
Because I’m confident you can’t beat a console team in private at the moment.




If you want to make a good comparison between ps vs pc you would need to get players that are on the same level of skill on each of their platforms for the match.

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You @WS6_BANDIDO and even @Derangedxeno_02 have beat 3 good pc players in privates, so I don’t get why this dude is over here making up fairy tales about pc advantages over console. Shit even @Kid_Scoutz has handled his fair share of pc players before 💪🏽😎

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Viking = too slow, big target. Health pool means shit when you are an easy target and get clapped in every corner
Scout, Valkerie = Low health pool but much harder to hit.

Is just like the difference between scout and support in FT. Sure, against melee Support will outclass Scout, but when facing ranged attacks, scout is much harder to hit and you avoid damage. Getting no damage is better than being able to withstand it.

PsychoBaBas is also one of the most annoying FT players you can face (and I mean that in a good way). He is exceptionally good at spotting and tracking and will constantly give away your position for others to engage, not to mention he will do 125% damage with the SAW-Z by running Sniper+Bane and he is one of the best snipers out there.

You basically faced a team that even them as Pred have a hard time beating. I don’t even try because is stressful as hell.

I think you’ll find the North American PC teams to be a bit less difficult to fight, though by no means it will be easy, but we’ve had some console players beat us or give us a hard time, probably because we play much less serious

Lmaooooo…thats not a PC fireteam. You have a problem mislabeling your video titles brah. Those are literally 3 random PC potatoes and one PS potato. We’re talking about going up against good pc players in privates not random pubs. Anyone can beat PC players in pubs when nobody is coordinated.

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What’s the point of this video? we already addressed that there are potatoes on both platforms.
I don’t recognize any of those gamertags

Can you post a video of beating a console premade in private?
I don’t believe you can beat a console premade in private.

It’s because we actually play with lots of friends that are at different skill levels and not the same 5 guys all the time like some people we know.

The best PC fireteam players are still on this side of the world, we just don’t go around making videos bragging about it, we’re just random guys that don’t affiliate with any specific team, we’re just friends that play casually.


Drum that up to being in the same country or timezone…and those who really really want to do privates or party time. I use to be wanting to get into those early onlast year, but its getting kind of old…tiresome. I thought maybe buying those FT dlcs while they were on sale but that went by too quickly.

They would need some considerable hype to get me back on board.

Im such a hardcore closet gamer in denial about gaming. I don’t think i even discuss gaming outside of …well gaming forums. Its just not corporate lunch room banter. And I’m a CEO . I tell my kids that i lock myself in the computer room doing research. R&D.


That too… we also always welcome new players and try to teach them or get them to play a bit better when they are frustrated and tired of playing with potatoes.

We’ve had several console players also asked to join us, sadly, they don’t understand how the befriending thing works on this game and think crossplay works through Sony while it actually works through Epic.

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Posts video dissing PC players
PC players point out the failure in his observations and argument why his opinions are flawed
Proceeds to disclose non-sense insults…

Just another day in the PHG forums… @Kassinaillia

Hell yeah clutch.