Playstation Predator Melts PC FireTeam Squad!!!

Yup, i appreciate the creativity. Music went well with the overall tone

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Thanks man that def means alot!!!

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I have only played 14 games as ft yesteday (like 45 mins , 30 sec queue + 2/3 mins gameplay) and I got 13 masks. The only mask I didnt get was against one of my friend that escape in second wind during exfil and I just got the rope. Every game in solo.

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Impressive. But what’s more impressive is 30 second q times. Plenty of pred’s lining up for the slaughter. None of them had a netgun?

Ummm @drugstor799


Yes of course but since wrist blades have no tracking you can just run circle around the Predator and he will miss most of his attacks.

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queue times in usa are over 1 min. and usually in the lobby still takes more than 4 minutes to get into a game. is a disaster right now

Most of the time it’s like this even for me , it was just a case. As you said, it’s a disaster. Probably update will drop on the 15th with the Santa Claus Predator.

so you were facing wristblade meelee rushers… no wonder you got 14 masks :P

99% of pred go for melee, and they nerfed range weapons 😂😂😂😂 how braindead and incompetent these devs are

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man your experience is totally different from mine.

I’m playing almost daily again, albeit just an hour or two, and the vast majority of preds go for bow, plasma caster and plasma pistol. If they do engage in melee they go with the elder sword or katana.

I still win most of the time because most have poor aim and with my broken loadout I don’t even need to parry if they engage in melee, but is definitely not like most go for melee. It has been a long time since I’ve faced a wristblade melee rusher

Most of pred I find usually run melee weapons and net gun and sometimes Bow. Never seen plasma pistol since the nerf and plasma caster just a few shots some times.

@Forever_Mello and I had the misfortune of running in to @drugstor799 on Excavation with two useless randoms as our backup.

@JelouGaming there are some truly terrifying Preds on PS4 to play against. In a proper death squad, they’re manageable. With even one weak link, they are a pain in the ass.


see @Scarface_1983 now I we wanna see @Arrow_calis face @drugstor799 with 3 potatoes and show us how he can “solo any pred” with “no skill”


@Arrow_calis is really good player, one of the best. He can do some serious damage, but he dies like everyone else sometimes. His claims of anyone can solo kill any pred are completely absurd and he knows it.

99,9 % of my games is solo are pretty much easy. Randoms always go Support and assault, I always have 20% reduction, medikits and UAV. In pubs no one use scout and Recon. If it is a pc player he always goes field medic and self revive. Sometimes randoms carry the game when I search for veritanium 😂



I cant put the italian emoticon 😭😭

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It’s a me Mario!

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