Playstation Predator Melts PC FireTeam Squad!!!

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This… keywords “ANYONE” and the one I love the most “NO SKILL”

Reality is that no, not ANYONE can do it and it does require SKILL. If anyone with no skills could do it, then we wouldn’t be seeing so many potatoes being slaughtered.

And then you have to add that even someone with skill will fail to do so if is new to the game because lacks the level to equip the perks and weapons for a broken loadout.

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You can actually copy and paste the load out data and have level 150 gear at level 1, someone make me a QA tester already


@drugstor799 is that you?


Yea they fucked up the matchmaking badly. I hardly even fight PC anymore let alone join them.

It’s like I can only get p4 matches 😕

You would think by now they would’ve fixed the crossplay invitations and match making, but nope. That’s sad.

No but they brought back a lot of matchmaking glitches.

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I play on PS4. My brother has been on PC only and we ran crossplay hunt matches all night yesterday. The only issue we had was getting into a couple of empty lobbies, out of probably 15 matches or so.

I never get that though. Only when I’m on FT by myself will I get PC never on my predator though.

I’m talking about partying up with players on different platforms.

Yeah. I’m on PS4 and my brother is on PC.