Please, don't give up hope!

Illfonic, we are here to help you. If you need funding, ASK US! If you need help finding kinks and bugs, ASK US! If you need time to develop something, TELL US!

Work with us, guys! We want to see the game flourish just as much as you do! Some of us have more time and resources to help than some of the devs do, so please take advantage of that. This lack of communication hurts the game so damn much, and even more so, the community. You guys do what you gotta do, but don’t hesitate to ask us for help, we’re all in this together.


I agree 130%

@IllFonic @moderators @Courier @OldKingHamlet we are listening but you guys and gals at Illfonic have to actually talk to us. We know your hard at work trying to make this game as great as it can be, and we as a community what to help as much as we can.


I don’t think begging for them to talk to you will do any good.
From my perspective, you can try giving your best to the community by sharing and producing some effort to make knowledge about the game available.
What can you share?
Fanart - like making wallpapers like the ones I made
Wiki updates - yes, one exists here:
Community Activities - Didn’t Papa ApplePie make a CHristmas tree? Yes that is something.
Sex in a tree - this might help or not, as I heard there be no sex in the champion room.

The reality is that their resources are tied up. They are not Ubisoft. Just take a look at Ubisofts many many many many locations around the world. aand the fact that they have stocks in the stock market. Illfonic has nuts and gum…literally. and if their business is living off of selling nuts and gum…its going to be a long road trip to success.


One of these things is not like the others


I’d say lets dedicate January to updating this wiki with material. We have loads of material and we can update it …so long as we can ask the right people/person.
I assume we can post updates on the forum and tag the person responsible for updating the fandom page. But i still dont know who that is.

I sent @Predator a PM. So we will have to wait for him to respond. He hasn’t been active since last july. :\

See its not a big deal if he isn’t available anymore, the wiki pages are free right? So i think anyone can just register a new official PHG wiki page, that would be planB.

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No I don’t think that will help in the slightest

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I think one can just edit it with a registered account, so have a go! I might actually do this.

I don’t have a verified account…
I’d say go nuts but try please try and stay with only the facts

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Yep you found it


Illfonic can redeem themselves by fixing the bow and removing field medic from the game in the next patch.


They have plenty of money they just waste it on shit that doesn’t fit or make sense.


You know what Illfonic really needs?
They need to hold a bored meeting and have die hard fans of the Predator Franchise who play this game to bounce ideas off of and take in suggestions. I believe if we together in person talk to each other, it will go a long way for the game and community.

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He’s right you know


It would really be 35 people suggesting super predators, xenomorphs, and dogs as if Illfonic NEVER CONSIDERED ANY OF THESE AT ANY POINT

Whole thing reminds me of DBD in its early phases where the devs were just like Nah and proceeded with their own ideas regardless of people asking for a campaign mode, multiple killers, survivor weapons etc. Tbh its their game they do what they want, DBD survived ignoring absolutely everyone and making absurd changes that made no sense at the time. 15 player mode could be a 1 life escort mission lol. Or scrapped. People set themselves up for disappointment every update like its their first game ever.

They have plans that can’t be disclosed. No way around it. Better than making empty promises.


In My Perspective.

If I’m being Hopeful.
It’s that Illfonic will at least work on the game.
Making it both playable and stable.
While Boosting the Passionate Community Behind it.


I have to constantly remind myself.
That Illfonic is a founded American Game Developing Company.
A rather newborn company.
Compared to those that have been in the Development game since 1975.

This isn’t a person working on a Passion Project.
This is a team being Paid and Contracted to Produce a Product.
To meet expectations of certain Marketing Goal.
Consumer Goals.
At the end of the day.

Locked in by a Contract and its Rules.
Given a set Budget.
And The Money Made is Split between all the Parties Signed in.
Some get the set pay and stay - Because it’s their Job.
Some leaves because they did their part and wont make anymore money.
(Or could make more money on other projects)
Some get the Majority - because they funded it in the first place.
(And they want their initial money back, and a % of the extra; if it made any).

So, honestly.
That’s keeping it rather simple for myself.
That’s why I personally never set the expectation bar high in the first place.
Because the fall doesn’t hurt as much.
Especially when it’s on something that you loved when you were a kid.
Binging in front of the TV like “AWH that’s so BADASSS”!
And then proceeds to pretend your a mini predator while jumping off Every furniture in the house.

Not saying that I don’t like Illfonic.
But I don’t, and never will Expect anything “Great” from them in this game.
They are a Game Developing Company.
Who’s just doing all of their Jobs, as they are told and paid to.
Whether they like it or not, agree or disagree.

~ I just hope PHG has a chance to be more then the mess, with a broken community beneath it.


Sure this game has it’s downs, but it also has it’s ups. Will everything magically be better over night No, just like 2021 we have to makes it better. Everything will be better we just need to stick together, work together, support each other, and have fun playing this game.

One day people will look back at this game and remember something, but we have to try and make sure it’s a good memory.


The only thing this has in common with Dead By Deadlight is the endless nickel and diming DLC scheme.

Sales and player numbers? Not so much. Especially on PC.

If you want to make an apt comparison. Compare it to the previous title. If it wasn’t for the lawsuit. It clearly would have followed a similar trajectory as this. More Jasons and Survivors for a pretty penny of course. It already kinda has. i.e., in the form of cosmetics and by them ignoring longstanding, glaring, technical issues. Sound familiar?

Yeah. Well. There you go then.

DBD was an unoptimized infinite looping, no generator regression, gate tbagging, 20 minute hatch standoff, unending jungle gym as you destroyed all the hooks on the map with no timelimit trash in 2016 so i’m not sure what you’re on about. By the time trapper trapped the infinite you were looping while healing infront of him, you were already halfway across the map standing behind an unreachable wall the killer couldn’t lunge at if he wanted to. The game didn’t function at the most basic level & wasn’t even a game if you put a couple hrs into survivor. And devs said looping took skill, tl;dr fuck you.

Made permastunning jason with baseball bats look like art. Atleast Illfonic had the foresight to not give players infinite fucking bats what a joke.
Seething so hard you compare this launch to DBDs launch (which was really just the shittiest version of exploit freeze tag to ever exist) is hilarious but please tell me more about how you’re being nickle and dimed by free DLC weapons, the horror.

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You’re the one making the comparison to DBD. Not me.

At least DBD has the playerbase to justify its endless diarrhea of DLC. Can’t say the same about this thing.

Also, weapons? That’s the fucking extend of the content that they have added. Most of them are shit by the way. And a larger, Jungle map after people were requesting different environments for months.

Ooh! Ahh! How generous of them!

I’m having fun the way the game is now, in it’s broken and unbalanced state. So if they can make any improvements at all, I’d be happy.


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