Please, don't give up hope!

Why turn people from buying the game? Just curious. It’s far from perfect, but turning away everyone from the game out of some sense of righteousness is only going to make it worse. Growing the game and getting more people into it helps shorten que times as well as open it to possibility of it getting better since they’d have more finances to put towards better updates.

It’s why they are already making updates further apart to make them less buggy and work better. I get it, Illfonic is far from being a great company, but hell least they are trying and it’s not like they get a choice in what gets put out nor what gets done. It’s all up to Sony and Disney. They are simply hired and told what to do.

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But of course! Every penny counts!

Just ask Illfonic.

Hehehe that’s clever

They have had those for a while thanks to their endless piece meal DLC scheme.

What do they have to show for it? A few measly weapons attached to DLC characters (“They’re free!” Not initially. Not exactly something to rave about either.) and another copy and paste map. Broken perks, broken matchmaking, broken environments, broken loadouts, endless balancing issues that have only gotten worse over time and so on. It’s tiresome at this point. I took a lengthy break from the game just before the Clash update came out just to return to a worse state.

“Fret not! There’s still hope!”

Mhmm. Definitely.

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He has a battered wife relationship with this game since day 1. Its very odd he’s still here bitching about getting meleed while he hides in a shack, if you consider his points that Illfonic are literally satan xd


Certainly seems like it, but doesn’t want to acknowledge the crouch exploit to have arrows and combistick pass through you to take no damage or some of the other exploits FT’s can do. Seems like oh exploits are only a problem when a Predator uses them and its not even an exploit to be meleed through a wall because Illfonic actually purposely made it that way even with caster splash to try to keep people from holding up in buildings to stall the game and grief.

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Why the hell do people act this way about an entity that develops, produces, tests, and releases software entertainment for our gaming pleasure?
Answer: These people are potatoes and suck at the game but thinks this game is pretty. And are socially starved.

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“Rip and Tear” you shall


Put it this way, the DLC’s are only 4 to 6 bucks. Lets say only half the community buys one of the $6 ones. Comes out to $30k. Cut those profits in 3 pieces. Part goes to Sony, Part goes to Disney, Rest goes to Illfonic. $10k.

Do you know How expensive it is to to pay for programmers, to pay to keep servers going, to pay all your employees, how expensive it is to keep software updated? Especially on a massive scale. One DLC, if half buy it, only covers basically till the next one.

So, no it isn’t a endless supply of chopped up DLC Scheme. It’s literally what helps keep content coming. Chasing off players does not make it better. and $4-$6 for a DLC isn’t shit. They are being quite generous considering the months and countless hours they put into making it.

You have companies that charge you $30-$60 per DLC and literally barely dish out any content. So, considering how cheap they give it out when they could easily charge way more, you should least be grateful for that.

Again not saying they are perfect. They are still relatively new to the gaming industry, but doing fairly well compared to a good few other indie companies. And damn better than the people who made Cyberpunk and they are AAA.

Programming is way harder than you think and not always can they expect it to work as planned. There are times everything in theory should work, then a bug happens due to one number in a program being off or one thing they added doesn’t jive well with another program that’s already in the game and it causes a bug.

It also takes a while to find out what causes the bug in game, what causes the bug in the programming, how to fix the bug in the programming, and so on.

Shit, for everyone that complains about every DLC and $6 being so terrible and making them money hungry I would charge them $12 or $13.

thoughts on this @Finessology


why the fuck are you still typing to them… they give zero fucks as to them there game was a major money success

This is true

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Basically yes. They made the 4v1 game as advertised, not including the people requesting a plethora of features. Also have to be able to reliably replicate a bug in order to fix it but we do know they have a QA team.

If they were actually money hungry lootboxes would’ve been monetized a long time ago, yet these are free and farmable and you get free weapons every month.
Nothing nickle and dimey about $5 dlc that goes free the next month lol.


Gonna bump this post once more. Still holding out hope, and I hope some of you are as well

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I may not play the game a lot rn, but I definitely still hold out hope. Once the update drops, I’ll definitely be on it the hour it hits.

Pretty excited ngl, they been hyping this up for a long time.

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Have they been? I haven’t seen anything in the news section of these forums. That is where I get all of my info on this game.

Oh, my man, don’t rely on the forums for Illfonic info. Follow their Twitter or Facebook. Much as I’d like for them to use the forums for other announcements, they really don’t other than patch notes

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Na I’ve given up
I like the community though