Please make cosmetics purchasable with real money

Good for you that you earn enough, as I said I don’t play enough and long enough to earn what I want, that’s why I want the real money option.

Why would people be pissed that someone can buy cosmetics with real money as an OPTION, it WOULDN’T be forced, you would still have your old system. This is purely for people who don’t have huge amount of time to sink into this game, but still want to enjoy it. Cosmetics do not impact gameplay, buying them with real money is nothing to be pissed about unless you’re a 24/7 kid player who has the “digital bragging rights” ego issue.

is Wallet Warrior
Clothings is only Objective of gettings in Entire game like is of doll Dressup

but in is all games Wallet Warrior is of whinings about 'no lifer. no job. or kid havings time.

Some of us have lives and other problems besides gaming 24/7 ;)

then do not be of playings game if life are being filling with Troubles

So I’m not allowed to have SOME fun by gaming a small amount of time and getting the cosmetics I want with real money that I otherwise could never get due to life / time constraints, I should just not game at all if I can’t game 24/7? Great logic… NOT.

Do what you want with your money

I would, if I had the option to buy cosmetics with my money :)


What a cancerous community. But what to expect from a bunch of children on the internet :)

no is video game boo hoo whine dressup

you can still playings game and weapon

I mean you got that down, half of the people here are echo chambering idiots but your take is still pretty bad.

Fyi pre order exclusive

Bad why?

How does having the option to buy cosmetics with real money that do not impact the gameplay in any way is bad?

If anything it’s good because Illfonic will get more revenue and maybe actually add content that we actually want…

The 87 Predator is too iconic to be locked for pre order only. Time to change that.


Well if it happens
I hope you are happy with your purchase


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It’s not a argument about pay to win. Technically that’s a separate issue seeing as Top Tiers are DLC Chracters on both sides but that’s a different argument.

Because you’ll become part of the problem that is Whales in Video Games and be telling the big Corps like EA or Activision Blizzard that you should be paying top dollar for shitty rebuilds that appear only graphically superior or for the most mundane shit like a Microtransaction Earned Mount in WOW.

Illfonic does get revenue. How many New Players do you see in a day? With default class set ups? How many DLC classes you see? I’d argue there would be way more progress in the game if PHG Money was actually put towards PHG, and that’s not me being a hater that’s just facts, but at the end of the day, your take is bad because it is legitimately anti-consumer.

“Oh you can’t achieve this small thing that will actually just take you like 20 minutes of Private Match grinding to do? Take out your wallet.”

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I mean, it’s true. Can’t tell me I’m wrong.

Also to add onto my point, Field Lockers could have been monetized at Launch.

It could have been like a dollar and 99 cents for a Field Locker bundle of 5 or something but thank goodness that Illfonic doesn’t actually do that. If they did that during launch or any other time before this year, they would have lost the audience.

not that I’m saying it’s okay now, bad idea.

I absolutely agree with you on that. It’s crazy how they’ve taken the most iconic Predator and made it only limited to when the game was preordered. I have to believe that in time they will rerelease it as a DLC.

Imagine a Terminator game being released where you can only play as the iconic T-800 if you preordered the game. That’s essentially what they’ve done here. A very poor decision by the team.

They could have taken a different random Predator and made it bound to the preorder, but not THE Predator.