Please make Jungle hunter 87 available again!

This is fun to watch

they have elder

JH with a necklace and bag lol

We need JH with boots instead of sandals!
JH with a backpack!

$20 each

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It’s just a reskin of a class I can already play, so I won’t be coming around chief.

I’m fine with the concept of “a pre-order remains a pre-order” but it would be a smart move for Illfonic to make the skin aviable with real money purchase, a lot of people wants it and would happly pay for it
(and they wouldn’t need to “work on a new model” since the skin is already there).


Ill sell you the JH 87 skin for 350 😃

I’ll sell you my 2020 Lamborghini for $40k

See, I can offer up things I don’t have too for ridiculous prices.

Don’t know why this is still going. There’s nothing special about JH. It’s the exact same as the Hunter. People can’t seem to grasp that it’s going to stay a preorder bonus, and that lack of a grasp on reality is sad.

I’ve actually heard ppl charging high pro rd for the code and ppl actually paying for it lol but i do have 87 JH tho

i think he means the pred franchise in general