Poison / Concussion Darts & No Man Left Behind Idea!

As you can probably tell from the title, I’ve been sitting on a couple ideas that I think may or may not be great additions to the game, 2 being for the Predator and 1 for the fireteam. These gadgets will bring a whole new meaning to “staying together” or “work as a team”. Either way I can’t wait to debate on these new ideas with you guys so enjoy!

Poison / Paralyze Dart: This gadget was inspired by the 2010 Predators movie for when Isabelle was poisoned / paralyzed by Edwin, it almost seemed painful or a struggle for control which would be added to the game. Your controls would soon not respond well (don’t worry it’s not bc your controllers dying), this gadget will ultimately leave a FT member just like Isabelle completely exposed to the elements and whatever roams the woods. However there are ways to counter the toxic weapon:

1.) Move Slowly, for if you sprint not only will your stamina be drained faster and when fully depleated you will be on the floor until your stamina slowly regenerates or a teammate uses “No Man Left Behind” Perk (later will be explained).

2.) Use Healing Stem to cancel the poisons affect or Self Revive Stem to get up once fully exhausted, the self revive will create a mini game similar to being trapped in a net gun.

Concussion Dart: This gadget lives up to its name for it purposely makes the Fireteam disoriented, scared for what’s coming, and makes it impossible to hit a target. How it functions is when affected, the fireteam members vision becomes blurry or tunnel vision like, sound is no longer functional for a short time as ringing is heard (possible for sneak attacks), also aiming down sights is hard to control with the sights bouncing from side to side not being able to shoot straight. There is no actual counter to this affect rather it must be waited out the same time as a flash grenade would depending on the area affect being the head or legs being different.

No Man Left Behind Specialization: This one I feels could be really good for the game and especially fireteam bringing in real tactics. So how this Specialization works is that when a team member of your Fireteam has been downed or paralyzed, you can activate this Specialization that will allow you to pick up and move your teammate to a secure location to revive or carry away from danger. The Specialization will be available for all classes, draw backs being that certain classes have reduction of speed. For example, Scout / Recon / Dutch 1987 & 2025 would be the fastest on carrying teammates to point A to point B, however Support & Dante would be the slowest in carrying away wounded members. This idea was ultimately inspired by many games & the 1987 Predator film with Dutch carrying away Poncho before he was killed.

However there are drawbacks to this Specialization such as:

1.) Reduction of stamina is decreases quicker then sprinting.

2.) Only able to pick up or lay down by holding the Triangle button. This is the same timing as it is for reviving fallen teammates maybe quickener depending on the class.

3.) Only able to use Pistol as a resort of defense whether it’s against Enemies or Predator.

4.) Be mindful of your wounded teammate for if he was downed and instead of paralyzed, then bleed out is still possible.

Anyways these are my new ideas for both Predator and Fireteam! If you guys like the idea or wish to debate on it let’s take it to the comments and have fun! I hope you enjoyed and wish you all a safe year^^


I like this idea, I think it should be added to a sperate game mode called Testing Grounds or something for players to try it out and see if they like the changes added before actually being permanently in the game.
Kinda how Ubisoft does it with For Honor when they wanna rework something for heroes etc…


I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT AND THEY SHOULD! Even adding Testing Grounds was a nice touch there, also anything you’d like to talk about with these ideas?

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One thing I really do like that you mentioned is once you are infected by the poison you have to move slowly. Now instead of moving slowly with your joystick, you’d have to be crouched instead that way it also makes the other specialization such as the spotter build for the recon having more of an alternative strat to try and avoid the predator, maybe?
If they ever do implement Predator dogs in the to the game-when you’re poisoned it could attract the dogs to spot your location and mark the fireteam member(s)

Oh and if you’re not crouched it could add another vision mode for the Predator to see infected fireteam members. Kinda how Celtic was able to see Wayland’s sickness


Just make it normal.

In general I feel like there’s too many drawbacks. Especially for a specialization. Plus this ability should be base imo.

Pointless might as well revive them.

It needs to be instant in order to even be usable.

Could be used for toxicity by not only denying a revive but also killing your teamates by letting them bleed out.

A. No bleed out

B. Give the downed player an interact that automatically drops them.

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In regards to this bit: my suggestion would be to still have use of your primary - but with hip fire only and you can’t jump. That way you can still defend yourself to a reasonable degree but with reduced mobility.


I like that


That’s actually a good idea, I wasn’t sure about it when writing it but now knowing it could work with only hip fire it actually works.

Only the poison darts.
We need more cc like that

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Definitely would be a interesting addition to the game and would be more expansive then just bleed damage

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Maybe have a smoke trail of sorts?

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I think we can just have the poison darts.
Low damage like 20, or 25 hp, but 45 or 60 secs of low stamina, shaky aim and screen, more of a wobble, and screen blur.

Or just a straight poison that does like 60 damage.

Idk just ideas here

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Actually I like this idea, combining two of my ideas and effects


If we’re introducing status effects can FT get tranquilizers or cryo weapons?


I’m okay with that, maybe cryo weapons could slow down or drain the Predators stamina. Tranquilizers could maybe do the same


Cryo weapons can slow the Predator while tranquilizers will slow the Predators stamina regen


That works better 030

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I appreciate you posting your ideas… apologizing in advance for not particularly liking these ones. (That said a separate mode is fine)

I don’t think the poison idea can be balanced with the current set up. You either get very few (Which would likely lead to it being only effective against one person, via repeated use) or it’s just a way to drain stims.
Jumping ahead a bit, a specialization, even one anyone can take, to counter it doesn’t feel balanced either. New animations and mechanics to support a weapon might not be the best use of resources. Rather have interaction animations for tasks we already do.

The concussion idea might work, but I think it can’t be an area effect or have a long lasting effect, 2 short effects, blind for 2 seconds, followed by distorted sights for 5 seconds, with a bit of stumble might be ok.


Hey it’s totally okay I’m always up for criticism for it makes my ideas for more gear or perks better from what I’ve learned. I’m not trying to score wins or likes, I’m simply expressing what I would think would be cool to see. Some times it makes sense like me “Rope Dart / Harpoon Idea” while things like this not so much.


Man, now I really want the freeze gun from Predator 2. 😅