Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)

Give it some time. Now that this thread has been reanimated from the grave it’s only a matter of time before someone turns it into a clusterfuck again.


I will sharpen my pitch fork in the meantime

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I’ll get the torches ready.

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Memes are standing by


Load your bolters brothers


Thats why its more expensive.

I believe he was talking about the general price drop that comes after a release

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Why hasn’t Illfonic listened to this yet?

They have.

The lucky number 69 said no

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They’re not going to monetize the skin for a while. They’re going to wait until more and more players, that didn’t pre-order, have pestered the bejesus out of them, leaving behind a massive puddle of salivation. Then, and only then, will they release the Kraken and rake in the booty.

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hell yeah release him for however much extra the pre order was or make em a hard grind


id prefer the making him payed since more money means more potential shit for the game

Why not both? Give us dlc with Blain and have Jungle Hunter be unlockable by getting him from the box. Helmet is already there, so why not.

im not quite sure what you mean, do you want him to only be attainable through loot crates after buying the dlc ?


The survey is in favor of yes, the only ones who say they are not cynics who believe that it should be only theirs, illfonic is not going to release jh87 and it is not fair, because not everyone had access and knowledge about the order anticipated

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Essentially, yes. The loot pool would include it somehow. You would buy the Blain dlc and have to unlock the Jungle Hunter token through the rng. Not sure if that’s possible though. Might be easier to just make it a milestone achievement.

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It will never happen here’s proof

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Everyone literally had a opportunity to get the character by launch with 3 trailers saying if you pre-ordered the game you’ll be able to get Jungle Hunter. Just saying people missed the mark and should have preordered if they knew he was in the game.
