Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)


Everyone? I think you mean to say, people that had a PS4 at the time, one that worked and that had an active subscription. There are a lot of factors as to why someone doesn’t have the pre-order bonus.

This isn’t a simple gold weapon skin in Gear of War 5 that no one is really bummed about. This is like having a Power Rangers game and then making the Green Ranger pre-order only… for all enternity. It’s just bad business lmao.

No, it’s not: https://twitter.com/IllFonic/status/1399879031038873600

Now, can we perhaps have an end to all the whining & wailing about a fucking skin.

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Not to mention the multiple times over the past year both Courier and OldKingHamlet have said this…

It’s kinda fun though when question of the week is the same question for 52 weeks…


People really be like “okay I hear you but what’re you tryna say?”


“You said JH87 is pre-order exclusive which means…it’s getting released as paid DLC in June?”

Illfonic: Please stop…


“Oh okay I got you I understand… but what’re you tryna say here?” JH when?”


So, you expect them to leave money laying around on the ground and not even pick it up? I don’t even think they believe that line of horseshit lol.

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Risk vs Reward.
Reward of a quick cash grab with everyone buying JH87 vs the risk of probably alienating everyone who pre-ordered and supported them prior to release, who are the highest likelihood the more frequent and loyal customers

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finally someone with two fingers of a forehead, some believe that because their father buys what they ask for and they have all the time in the world they believe that everyone has the same comfortable life.

It’s. A. Pre. Order.

I don’t get that whole incentivized nonsense. This isn’t a collectors edition item that people are asking for. It’s a dlc. That they got literally no money for. You got it for free. There is no reason to be feeling any type of way because they eventually monetize it.

And anyway, which one makes more money… two hundred thousand new players buying dlc or people that have been here since launch? There’s more money to be made off the new people, in many cases.

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Not a bad idea

I didn’t have access to my ps4 at the time for many months because of school, but I’m not complaining

You’re missing the point.

I don’t argue that JH87 would have made much better paid DLC than a pre-order. I don’t disagree the sales would be huge if it were released tomorrow.

You’re arguement is wrong though in that 200,000 new sales at one time, at the potential cost of losing 500,000 repeat customers down the line that get upset with you for it, isn’t worth it. Cuz I guarantee the rage over the loss of “exclusivity” might do that. Just look at the backlash from Alpha Pred

I bet you only 20% of the people that pre-ordered this game still even have it, much less play it. And of that amount, maybe—maybe—half of them would even remotely care. They aren’t alienating anyone.

And if they do, so what? There’s far more money to be made by monetizing the skin. Or we could go to loot boxes, after they’ve exhausted the other movie Preds and mildly interesting side story Predators.

I honestly don’t really give a flying banana fuck if I never get the thing. It’s the very concept and idea of locking something like this away behind a pre-order for all eternity. It’s like burying gold in the middle of an ocean after you’ve lined your pockets with a few handfuls.

Wait Alpha Pred got backlash? Why?

They just can’t make it available an item exclusively get by preordering a game. It’s not just the game developers/producers and gamers (clients) involved here. PSN is involved in this matter too i guess…

Dude, I have the figure with the code and I never gave one ounce of a fuck about it being unlockable.

Pre-orders are sold as seperate dlc post launch literally every other game.

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