Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)

Suuuuuure buddy. Sure. You honestly think there’s any kind of validity to that? You’d have to be mental. This isn’t like EA throwing in pay to win loot boxes in Star Wars. What on earth makes you think a class action lawsuit has a chance in hell of gaining traction past some paperwork filing? That’s fucking laughably stupid and shows exactly why any of you are arguing against having it released post launch. The clout. That’s literally the reason.



The clockwork operating in some people’s towers could use some repairs. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such nonsense spewed online about some pre-order bonuses. I actually don’t think there’s any grounds whatsoever to sue for dlc of any kind, just because it says—or is presumed to be—exclusive. If that were the case… illfonic would already be on their knees trembling at all the mad lads they somehow angered over the Alpha Predator ordeal.

Illfonic literally stated they can’t release JH87 specifically because they advertised it as pre order exclusive dude. Meaning they can and will get sued if they were to release it.

You can’t argue what Illfonic said.

At this point man I don’t care
It makes no difference to me

Sued by who? The public? Yeaaaah, I’ll believe that when I see it. Sued by whomever owns the license is more likely. And I kinda doubt that one as well.

I can argue whatever I damn well please, when it makes zero sense.

I really don’t understand why it’d be fair to rip somebody off of 20$

the only real reasoning I see here is that Illfonic could do it if they wanted

I mean, yeah, they CAN do it but it’s 100% a jerk move

they got a CRAP ton of backlash with the Alpha thing so I don’t understand why it’d be any different with JH

What $20 are we talking about here? Because the figure was $35, if I recall correctly. I still don’t give two flying kangaroo fucks that it’s a reward in the game though.

If you’re talking about Jungle Hunter, he was free with the 150,000 something pre-orders that sold. So, they didn’t get a dime off of him. Technically speaking.

He’s talking about the pre order cost of the game. The game dropped $20 in price after release.

You are far to willing to trade someone else’s integrity. Illfonic decided that they would offer an exclusive preorder bonus to drum up excitement and get those preorders in. Preorders are used to determine how many physical copies of a game a studio is going to produce. They give you a sense of how your game may do.

Regardless of how you feel, it isn’t your call and it’s already been made. Jungle Hunter is exclusive get over it.

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Ok apparently in your mind false advertisement isn’t a legitimate lawsuit. they clearly advertised the JH87 as pre order exclusive and even admitted that they can’t release it to the public for that reason. But you still want to argue because you don’t want to admit to yourself that you won’t be getting the JH87.

I’m done with you, arguing with ignorance isn’t something I have the time or care to do. Good day.

They changed the specs of the DLC’s sold. Should they be sued for that?

the poll is incorrect…
you need another option called
I give zero fucks
4th option no need i already hacked etc

Balance changes are something that they are allowed to do, same with updating the appearance or graphics.

Sure, but if someone buus something it’s illegal the vendor change it’s specs afterwards without a refund.

That is not the case with video games, you bought access to content defined by them. It also doesn’t change the JH exclusivity which is about advertising law.

There is no rule of law
If your on pc you can easily hack the skin

Good for you, just makes you a thief.

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