Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)

Well…don’t know what to tell you then other than agree to disagree

Take the mask out of the boxes and pack in more trophies. Offer the Jungle Hunter up as a Deluxe Edition purchase. Sit back. Profit. Easy peasy.

And maybe use some of the money to fix the various glitches throughout the game.

It’s basic economics. Nothing to disagree about. The new player base far and away outnumbers the original pre-orders that are still active. Clearly.

Yeah, I have it lol. Never cared that it was offered to the rest of the player base. In fact, it gives people more options to not have shitty looking Predators. 😂

I would disagree with that assumption. Unfortunately neither of us have the data to back it up so…yeah.

Besides you’re forgetting future products. Those who pre-ordered now may pre-order and support the next game they make. They’ll change their minds if they hear they went back on the exclusuvity. It’s reputation damage, but I digress

That’s just it. There will most likely not be another Predator game by this company. Make the money now, while you can, before you lose the player base that’s wanting to give you money. Every day they drag it out is another wave of lost players. Strike while it’s hot. If it were me running things, I’d have already flipped the switch and made the easy 2 or 3 million. I’d also already have one of the AvP Preds up by now as well. Those are the second best selling Predators in the franchise.

It’s not even up to Illfonic though ultimately. You realize how many hands are in this pot? Illfonic, Sony, Disney and all 3 get a say what’s done. Disney’s got the rights, they get a voice. They say use Pred only, no AVP, no DC Comic, just Pred 1, 2 and Predators (apparently).

Sony is the publisher, they say what goes in the game and what doesn’t too. They say keep cost down and revenue up and try to promote other products too.

So where does that leave us? Samurai cosplay Pred when Ghosts of Tsushima comes out, Viking when AC: Valhalla comes out, all original art they don’t have to pay licensing for so the suits are happy and the wallets get fatter.

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If that’s the case, then that’s a real shoddily run business. Don’t see this game lasting very long before the loot box nonsense gets monetized by the suits.

Been over a year, they’ve already said that’s never going to happen.

Edit: It’s actually a very very common business model now a days. I work for a corporation, contracted to another corporation, owned by another corporation. The wheel of change moves incredibly slow but everybody makes money

Funny enough that figure got me into NECA Predator collecting, though I thought it was a smart move to sponsor the Alpha as a figure to get and unlock in game if you don’t wanna go through leveling up.

That about explains everything and should end this useless thread.

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I’ve been collecting Predator stuff for a long time. I have most of the Hot Toys figures. Almost every version of the films ever made and on nearly every format.

The only reason I waited so long on this was because the game came out during the covid spurt and I didn’t really have time to game. Between juggling a life and a shithole job—made far worse because of covid—I opted out of video games. I got back into the swing of things in late fall/early winter.

The Jungle Hunter is already in the game. The corporate spiel really doesn’t make sense. For AvP Preds, maybe. It still boggles my mind that they would gatekeep them and not want to make any money off of them—especially Scar, Celtic and Wolf. That’s just ludicrous.

Lawsuit probably isn’t helping things either.

Or Chopper, I really loved his design and sad that he died so quickly even when looking like a veteran hunter with the skulls and heavier weapons used.

Probably not. Could use some sweet Jungle Hunter cash to bolster the defense though. Lmao!

That tends to happen when you get ambushed while being distracted. He got the death he deserved. Celtic, however, got entirely too pooped on.

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I hated how they killed off the coolest looking characters within a span of a minute. I would like to have the characters at least get killed off every encounter, like Chopper okay he died from sneak attack. However Celtic honestly should have killed Grid and maybe dies from being overwhelmed by Xenomorphs

Your forgetting they would be sued for false advertising the JH87 as pre order exclusive for millions of dollars.

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