Poll: Should Jungle hunter 87 be released for everyone to unlock or purchase? (Stop posting about it. Poll says all)

I haven’t lost anything buddy, you’re trying to spend other people’s integrity because you have regrets.

Or you know, you carried on so much the community took turns coming in and trying to reason with you.

But you only care about getting your fantasy JH cray cray 😜.

Gosh, you even have a short memory span. I have never bothered the devs with anything. So who is trying to scam anything?

You act like crazy but the funny thing is that another member said that you are supposed to be cool. It is hard to imagine it or a definition of cool has changed since the last time I looked it up in dictionary.

Then stop acting like it. And no, you are not a representative of the devs. They know better than you what is right for them. Also do not make fake stories that I regret something because I never stated anything like this. And you know it.

Lol. What community? You mean the club of mutual admiration that uses double standards.

And no I do not have any fantasy about anything. You are just butt-hurt about my flawless working solution because you think it takes away your security blanket from you. Instead the truth, you choose a lie. How miserable your life has to be?

You’re trying to get a movie accurate skin that is exclusive, you want to change the name and be able to buy said skin.

But… you gave up your JH, that’s on you.
No one, especially not the devs, owe you a second chance cray cray 😜.

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What a cringey being you are. There is no movie accurate skin. It was never announced nor even mentioned.
And you repeat that I gave up the inspired skin whereas I told you it myself. How pathetic is your behavior?
BTW when you started your Predator hobby? Do you collect Predator figurines?

Got Jungle Hunter, the most movie accurate one available.

The one in your head isn’t real.
You keep speaking as if it is.

Definitely says something about you cray cray 😜.

Edit - here, go contribute something, even criticism.

Man y’all are still at this lol? Give it a fucking rest. All anyone does on here is fight like children. Doesn’t matter what side

I’ve tried to get him to post about other things (Twice) but he’s still having a fit cause I don’t think his idea is good.

Lol dude you too. It takes 2 to tango. Just. Let him post and eventually he’ll get tired.

But it’s still fun for me, 🤣

Which on is it ? Neca’s 1/4?

I do not need to have anything about it in my head. The movie itself is the best reference for it.

Also I am not impressed with your Helicopter Pilot idea. Especially if you do not know how video games work. PS4s could not even handle it and the game is not build with those mechanics at its core.

I remember people saying that the game has bad graphics. But when I asked them how it is possible to make it look better, they could not answer.

First criticism is best left in the topic it discusses.

Second, 🤣🤣🤣😂, sorry. Yes video games have helicopters using the engine this game is run on.

The rest makes you sound really dumb too but I’m trying not to be too mean.

The only JH you can play in the game, hence the best one. I don’t care about your toys or movie fixation. 😜

Y’all are fucking annoying lol

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It is pretty clear to me now that you are not tech savvy when it comes to hardware and game engines.

Now with this statement you prove it even more.

You mean the flawed one. Yeah, keep it. I prefer looking at idealized version made by Prime 1 Studio.

Is it in the game… no, then it doesn’t matter.

Would you like a list of video games on PS4 that have helicopters… go look it up yourself cray cray 😜.

Exactly there is no movie accurate or idealized version of JH in the game.

Lol. It is not about helicopters in the game but about processing power of hardware and optimization of software. You clearly do not have any idea about this stuff. I guess you just see a linear game with great graphics and believe that the same can be implemented in open world environment. Or speed of moving object or perspective does not matter. Or what is easier to render at fast speed? Blocky environment or dense vegetation?

So cars that are harder to make work then a helicopter run in Friday, any other ignorance you want to try hiding with words.

So those helicopters in cod are just a figment of my imagination?

Lol. You still do not get it. It is about how much geometry is pushed in specific environment and at what speed. Friday the 13th is less demanding than this game. Now imagine a helicopter which is the fastest moving object in environment with dense geometry and you control it. Do you think that there is enough power for this? Not to mention Unreal Engine 4 is not heavily optimized especially for the lowest common denominator which is OG PS4 or specific game.

Or your COD game with simple blocky environment and custom made heavily optimized engine backed with huge budget.

Just start watching Digital Foundry videos for example before you spread more nonsense.

Criticism goes in the other thread, you can have any opinion you like about helicopters and PS4’s, your opinion on it doesn’t really matter to me.

Still only one JH.

Just like last time when they touched up JH and made the greedy move of reselling it as a seperate skin because they touched it up. Oh wait they didn’t otherwise we’d have 3 JH reskins in @LazyHunter s clown world.