Poll: What is your main, Predator or Fireteam?

Why would I want to reread it? You stated your grievances, made tour demands, insulted PS4 players. In the beginning, I was respectful with my opinion and said no to being forced to enable crossplay…it quickly descended into a shitshow, became a joke but after a while it got boring. There is no reason for me to go there again. Unless you’ve changed your mind now? Or have you simply editted it to make yourself look like a victim? Even if you posted a comment later in that thread saying “Hey, okay it was wrong of me to ask illfonic to force you guys to play with PC players, my bad. We are really struggling here on PC to find games, and would appreciate you PS4 players sticking with us” it doesn’t matter, too late for me to care now. I’m keeping crossplay off. I have much better quality games now, the difference between crossplay games and PS4 only games is huge. Why would I want to ruin my gaming experience, just because you PC master race can’t keep your shit together. Jesus, you destroyed Red Dead Online in under 12hrs of its release. Way to go👍🏼


Dont mention the word WORK you prick you’ll give VENN7EANCE a heart attack just reading the word. Lmfao

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Also, this thread was simply a poll but you’ve turned it into a fucking back n forth about YOU. So, who exactly here is the problem?

Not gonna lie, I laughed at that one. Here, have a cookie🤣

Here’s a tip what if you just remade it without a “fuck ps4 players” attitude? If “they get owned so they disable crossplay” is your argument no wonder everyone didn’t flock to your side and think PS4 should be FORCED to play with PC as uneven as things are right now. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to call everyone a troll if you attack anyone who disagrees with you in every thread.

I got the game for predator but surprised at how fun fireteam is and I’m not a first person shooter fan 😄

interesting you feel I attacked people.
I explained both sides of the story and debunked the falsehoods from both sides.
If explaining something in a reasonable fashion causes you (or anyone else), to feel attacked I can not change that.

but wait you’re number 6 on Terrorize’s most liked list…

Lol. Amazing job “explaining something in a reasonable fashion and debunking falsehoods for both sides” there


did I not say the game is clunky at best on PC?
on ps4 it runs waaaay smoother.
and PS players get owned by a PC player and disable cross play…

I’m slightly amused this requires explanation.

should I add that a PC player being owned by a PS4 player will say “good game”, and keep cross play on?

I thought that was implied but perhaps it should be stated.

That’s just because you’re so good at seeing both sides buddy. I’m slightly amused you’re such a saint. Can’t fathom why they might not want to be forced to play with you.

keep trolling trolling trolling

Amazing take here with a hilariously broad assumption. Because you say “gg” after “owning ps4 players” and keep crossplay on that means everyone is also as saintly as your mighty self, making sure to tell those ps4 scrubs gg and also by no means playing on low settings or using basic macros to break out of nets and so forth. Love it. Good thing you’re here to speak on behalf of everyone. I’d like to add you also have a "FT vengeance squad who’s sick of the queue times and only objective is to “rape ps4 predators” would be a shame if they disabled crossplay

Hey 13 year old troll

Nah predators just cool

Its really the FT im using in private matches to get to know the workings of each map and missions. Then i’ll hit online games soon

I want to know where the FT might be located better in order to hunt good with the Predator, so im learning each map

Actually, not shit with a gun considering killed the predator several times with ease and can handle teamwork fine. I play both, but enjoy Predator enough I don’t mind the que times. I rather enjoy games I get to be the alien/monster/creature instead of the human. Not everyone wants to play as a human or hero constantly.

You are talking to a banned moron.


You know this thread is 6 months old, right?