PC players routinely boost about how playing on PC gives them a superior edge (usually regardless of skill) and it only takes 1 potential cheater out of 5 players to ruin a match, and yes its infinitely eaiser to cheat and use aids on pc than console, though not restricted to PC users.
Given that, are you surprised PS players turn it off?
The typical reply to this from some PC players will be. “Oh boo hoo console players arent as good as us” or “boo hoo not our fault our hardware makes us better”.
Which will then lead back to the first point.
While its the minority that cheat or act in such a fashion. That’s all it takes for it to be ruined for the majority.
Nearly all games with crossplay, allow it to be disabled usually because of the same reasons, the amount of cheaters and hackers is higher in the pc community so devs give consoles a way to avoid this. Or yes PC hardware is superior so they give consoles the option to play only against those with similar hardware to level the playing field.
By giving players choice they promote sales so that friends etc can play despite different systems. (Even if it doesn’t work in some games.)
That being said. I’m a PS player, pred main and I leave crossplay on.
I have come across cheaters, as well as a difficult spike against some teams. But I take it on the chin and play matches regardless. I have beaten as many PC teams as PS teams. I’ve gone against bad PC teams and amazing PS teams. And alot of the time, mixed teams.
I enjoy crossplay, I enjoy additional challenges, I enjoy nailing a cheater, I enjoy trading HP with a superior player.
But the option should still remain. Everyone paid the same for the game, they can play with or who they like.