Possibility of other game modes and maps to expand the experience.


Boosterpacks exist and print money which is why video games started using the same system, just replaced foil rarities with skins. Even digital card games still use booster packs when they could have stopped due to not having to physically print cards. Then giants like fortnite picked up the same system AND introduced a rotating shop on top of that so “booster packs” have even more incentive to be bought due to being time-limited.
Microtransactions aren’t going anywhere.

Only if you agree to learn to write

Ok, we will swap to KFC…or Burger King.

Maybe the Predators on their home planet have their types of fast food but as Inteligent and as tribal they are, they avoid it in exchange of the wild boars on planet earth.

Even they are smart enough with their food choices let alone businesses. XD

The only way I agree with trading cards in games (just to be able to find a positive here of none other) is the fact that you have an online, software type of cards and you don’t chop down the forest and the Amazonian Rainforests above all in order to make your damn stickers that you put in an album and at the end you throw in a corner forever.

That’s if not the power consumption as you buy and play the game doesn’t quantify in the same ammount with the waste of wood -> paper, energy, industrial factors to production etc.

PPS: Fortnite is as much as artistic and creative work for example (and not a business to sell only) as fecal matter is to decorate the insides of a modern luxurious home.

Terrible and worthless ideas, lack of innovation but good for a cash grab.

I hate to break into your rant here but trading cards have jack shit on the deforestation of the Amazon. I hope you don’t consume mass-produced soy products or use plastic bags lel.

Evidentally not since its making more money and has a bigger playerbase than half the games you own.

Yes it has a big player base, just as everybody likes McDonalds. (If many buy it or use it or eats it, that doesn’t make it something good or good quality overall)

PPPS: do yoour research of where the massive ammounts of lumber comes from and what is the paper industry. You have massive gaps.

Your obsession with Mcdonalds is hilarious.

Lmao what percent of the paper industry is fucking trading cards you brainlet. At their absolute peak even.

PPPPPS: Looks like your values are all messed up, pick up a book, read about stuff…read history, improve you way of thinking overall.

Reading chases Karens away.

Amazing argument im dying

Nope, I use McDonalds to be able to help you comprehend things from your level. Sorry to dissapoint.

The <<<< McDonalds level >>>>>> tadaaa…

There’s that word again. You live and breathe mcdonalds like your first interaction with it was Ronald Mcdonald dropping you on your head lmfao.

Ok, you are boring, let others talk about related game stuff you little attention seeker.

We get that, you enjoy the spotlight, now carry on with your McDonalds clown and level and all.

Edit: we get it, you like Fortnite, FIFA, NFL and everything like that. Ok…

Mcdonalds counter continues to rise.

I wonder what that makes the OP of the thread when he’s whining about replies.

“I wonder what that makes the OP of the thread when he’s whining about replies.” You also like to assume things, noted. Ok, next…


Do not say the word Mcdonald’s again

You can DM me about Mcdonalds actually if it’ll save you face if that’s what you’re worried about

Nice RoboCop Reference. Do you think the Predator and Alien Universe are related to the Robocop one? Btw.

Note: I only read a few comic titles with crossovers from Predator, Alien, Terminator.

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I don’t think they are

But I think they should be

Same with Terminator

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I would like to see him added with a badass story in the universe of the mentioned above.

Judge Dredd did an outstanding job to join the others. Or vice versa.

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