Possibility of other game modes and maps to expand the experience.

Yes man, less words but for anything artistic out there it needs to be rich in description for the devs and everybody to understand details because those are important as well.

You don’t want them to brainlessly slap things in the game or on a map and then you come back again here and complain as a user because…well, you weren’t understood for example. Jeez.

Key principle, artistic. It’s their work not ours. I’ve done a few write ups (rather detailed but not as lengthy as yours) on ideas I have for the game. It would be utter arrogance on my part to expect they would take the idea word for word. It’s their project, their art. In the end, they do what they want. All I can do is give an outline of what I’d like to see.

PS: Given the way you put it there in your last comment and the hallucinations about the percentage, you are either here to argue with people brainlessly or you are part easily of that toxic part of the community.

You either do constructive and relevant things and think or keep off the thread. Simple!

Edited for minor corrections.

If you did writing then you clearly know the importance of description, what is it to you or anybody for sharing creative and detailed ways of coming up with solutions for maps?

Are you one of those annoying folk which don’t like when people come up with news stuff or creative materials? Or you hate it because they do it free of charge?

And by the way, nobody is obligated to do CRAP here, I din’t obligate anybody to take anything. Quit making things up, if you wish to come up with something productive, creative or beneficial, fire away man…is a democracy and your argument is absurd.

Honestly in the back and forth of it all and you becoming defensive i think you’ve completely missed the principle point I’ve been making. Allow me to elaborate that I am not in anyway, shape, or form critical of the substance of your request to the moderators. I believe such constructive criticism is not only a boon but an essential purpose of the forums.

I did not suggest anyone is under any obligation to aquiece to the demands of their customer base. Indeed I was merely citing a personal example of how such a belief is both foolhardy and unproductive to the very nature of the forums. The purpose of which is to provide an open an inviting atmosphere to provide feedback between the principle player base and the development team associated with the product. If I had given that impression then I apologize if such a idea was inferred.

My initial response and indeed only intent was to convey an observation that perhaps a more effective method of communication would be to simplify the language and condense your additions to the conversation in order to facilitate better communication. It’s evident you’re not into the whole brevity thing man and thus the dude shall abide. In the future I will no longer propose any suggestions nor criticism of your proposals and there by remain silent. While this goes against my natural tendency to be a friendly individual I can see quite clear it is a fruitless effort in your case. Good day to you sir.


Okay, lengthy text. Sorry man, but if a person is descriptive in his texts is in our nature. Some do this some don’t (we can’t be all the same, do you think a writing person…even the big guys like Tolkien for example would care if someone says their content is lengthy or their lengths too descriptive in order to share the ideas? Nope.) I mentioned I do not have writing studies and a degree to be able to make a masterpiece, and I said it earlier on the thread.

I understood your post and point of view, just as some of your colleagues on the thread made their same point. Many will like and some not the text I have there (even if it has a mention that is a lengthy text from start - action that requires reading it, again).

My point is that even if their work is good and deserves the respect to think my intentions as to offend in any way their work is foolish, I am only taking up the role as a member of the community, we as a community may be able somehow to shape things for the better, together.

I didn’t want to discourage the share of ideas, by far…

I just don’t want people to cherry-pick and turn conversations the other way around into a very odd and total different direction that might end up in, and would be pointless to go there, in that direction. Also the lengthy text is part of being comprehensive so people don’t understand wrong things as much as they understand the right ones.

Feel free to participate, all of you, mainly of what you want to see in game and less aboit a lengthy text that might look stupid to some. Hope you have a good day as well.

Bahaha given your big brain avatar this’ll be hilarious.

Here’s what you have in your OP:

Movie cameos good, sports bad. Microtransactions bad.

Give us a new temple mode where we retrieve some artifacts like this is indiana jones.

X predators vs X amount of fireteam

City map pls and AI that don’t speak english

There you go, that’s the entirety of your post. Rather than stating:

High school essay and you’re entire post is dragged out like this.

Who says this pretentious shit instead of just saying “Can we get movie content?” Especially your rant about sports lmao.

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That is an awful reduction of what I said.

Dude, go back to eating McDonalds for the rest of your life.

If you think that is a synthesis of my text is not even a skeleton to what I said and how I said it.

Says the guy bitching about sports and the addition of a football player lel

Haven’t the American football, soccer and everything else ended up as McDonalds?

Look at the market and stop trying to fool others.
Is a business man, that is what has come to. Period.

Did your creative writing teacher give you a C atleast?

PS: is a business just as Las Vegas is, full of slot machines and gambling.

However, do not misunderstand and think that of the sport industry is a business, performance doesn’t exist.

The athletes are a thing and should be respected for performance, the business is just business. $$$

One sentence in and I sense another tangent on the horizon

Is a reality Alice, welcome to the real world. Hope you liked Wonder Land.

Ironically EA’s “mcdonalds gambling” as a whole is more successful than half the business models out there. If people didn’t buy it then they wouldn’t use it, which is the only time it “fails.” Your EA Sports boogeymen didn’t invent it either, trading cards have always existed as the original lootbox marketable to children and any other age group, unexclusive to “Vegas.” You’re the one in wonderland.

What’s ironic is I could give your awful prose a pass if this wasn’t already the most self-important pretentious garbage i’ve seen. You deserve all the shit you get lol. And you wonder why people speedread your convulted nonsense.

Yes, is more successful because the trading card thing WAS something that now’s not.

Want to talk about money and trading cards? I seen recently a cheap pizza business that does the most awful pizza but gives you for free as you order an album with stickers with football/soccer.

Nobody denies that it doesn’t work, the thing catches to folks who “collect” and gamble just as much as they gamble in Vegas.

McDonalds is a success, for sure, but is anything but proper food and nutrition let alone gourmet.
If you prefer stuff like McDonalds, you know what is happening and is said about taste, taste in everything. IT REFLECTS YOUR EDUCATION, OR LACK OF.

Again, reality hits you like a wrecking ball, choose what you want to be. As well as the rest out there.

But that doesn’t mean at all that we can’t ask for quality here, as a community. The good type.

If anyone says another derogatory thing about the oasis that is the golden arches



Sry I think he got lost on the way to the Mcdonalds subreddit i’m not really sure whats going on

Maybe you need to learn to read and comprehend what you read. For start…