Post your favorite game memory.

Everyone share your favorite game memories ITT.

My favorite game memory was how, when it felt like the entire world, especially my entire world, was falling apart, this community helped prop me up. There’s a lot more to it, but the friendships I’ve made here are really something special.

I genuinely care about you crazy fucking people. Remember - no more personal attacks, you pieces of shit. And, no more fucking swearing.

Khi 🍉


We have to swear.
One of mine is from tenchu z, but sadly it was one of those you had to be there moments.

Anyway fak yu.

Hopefully your back on soon.


Them kayak of headquarters
I saw them then remembered the time I went fishing with my pa


You wholesome mother fucker


this should go out of context, normal illfonic does not read us

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I still have a video when i killed you in pubs for the first time.
What a great match 😉👍👍


Well, any match with funny kids on mic is always a highlight. Had a good melee duel with one of the LittleMiss players once which felt very movie-like. And of course, any time I’ve got to beat a toxic loudmouth (winks at Light_Unit108 and the VooDoo Boys).

I would include the time I played the Melon Men, but they were mean and bullied me!
(j/k, obviously they were great fun and great players).

For all the issues that I have with this game and its glitchy controls and other frustrations, it has provided some genuine fun and epic moments for someone like me who is a longtime Predator fan, so even if it were to go offline tomorrow I’d feel I got more than my money’s worth… Just wish they’d give me goddamn Wolf instead of these stupid history cosplay Preds!



I can tell you one of the worst moments I’ve ever witnessed…

When @REYNOSO_FUA11 killed Larry.

R.I.P in peace, Larry. You were one of the greats.


One of my fondest memories is X-Force Tony and his inability to sprint.


I need ammo !!😉



Good to see you by the way @Kabe40 thought we might have lost you forever!

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Good to see u too Mello, i am going to play again 😉


Don’t you dare say his name! You didn’t stop me, you just stood there and watched! How could have I have known, good soldiers follow orders.

Being that my memory is shit I have to that my favorite game memory (that I can remember anyway) is from Mass Effect when you first talk with Sovereign.


The twist halfway through the first Bioshock!

I have never felt so used and betrayed in a game before!

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A man chooses, a slave obeys.

Did Zeus ever say “would you kindly” during that mission with Larry? It would explain a lot.


My favorite game memories are playing with you and the other melons and everyone getting up to their usual tomfoolery. And when IllFonic gave us the melon men shaders for pred armor (nova) and ft guns (decoy).

Also I have become the Melon’s AI magnet. Literally 40 ai chased me across the map on airstrip once when I was low hp from a pred attack.

And yes, if any of you modder fakkers swear, Fak yu!!!


So My favorite moment has to be when FT specs where first implemented!!! I was and will always be a recon Main! I have always been decent with the spot because of my headset quality. Spotter was my chosen spec at first. I was harassing Predators all day with @GetToLaChappa @Forever_Mello and Bloodlettingbeast.

We came across a Baby pred as you tend to do. This pred however was special, the moment he was spotted he would run. No matter if damage was done to it or not. They would run. In the trees on the ground did not matter. So we did the mission and had lots of time on the clock! Pred player started to attack because of course we are spamming the ammo emote and the get to the chopper!! So pred came in attacked got parried once and got spotted had zero stamina left so just started to slowly jog away, I chased so did the others for a while but I didn’t shoot the pred I just kept him spotted for 5 mins straight just chased this slow no stamina pred for 5 mins constantly spotting him no damage no nothing just making this players day miserable!! Did I feel bad sure!! Was it funny as fuck yes!! So after chasing this pred for 5 mins and not killing it. I believe someone found the mythical 4th stack of Veritanium so I let the pred be!! To get paid lolz! Then we did exfil and noticed the pred left after being harassed for 5 mins by a endless spot


Fixed it for you! There are a few good apples in the doodoo boys community but they associate with them so in turn make them bad

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Trying to avoid fighting dan38000, fuck up our queue and end up fighting him with only 3 of us and a rando and pulling out a W. We were screaming and hollerin