Post your favorite game memory.

Awesome!!! Your too spastic for your own good I see

Favorite gaming moment was the first encounter with the flood on Halo. Buddy of mine and I were playing, got to that part and it was just great all around. “Why did the music change? That’s creepy. What is that? Run!!!” Just awesome and fun.

In this game though I gotta say there is nothing more hilarious and fun than watching a Pred leap, jump, sprint and just rush right passed every single other FT member to get to @REYNOSO_FUA11


Lol! Every time! Lol!! The pred just want that 1911 and parry fight I guess


He truly is the sweetest of the melons for the pred lol.

Even in private matches y’all see me going in a kamikaze run and getting Rey first at the cost of my own life just for the meme. A small price to pay to kill Rey first.


I like to leave rey for last! Let him get the reinforcements so I can claim him while the other are spawning in lol


I’m glad my pain is your entertainment still though I’ll never know why this always happens to me. Preds will almost always stop attacking someone else just so they can go and pummel me into the ground regardless of the consequences.

@Fire remember that one berserker on overgrowth, he was beating you senseless, saw me and jumped over you to beat the shit out of me. When he came back he did the same thing to @Forever_Mello, he jumped over him to beat the shit out of me.

Or the time when I was playing with Yen and AC_Enemy_Killer on derailed and the pred caught AC in the building by himself trying to heal (the field medic of the team) and was right about to kill him, sees me at the end of the building, sidesteps him to go and beat the shit out me and get second winded upon claiming me.

Fuck these memories I don’t need this shit I’m going home.


But you are home Tom

Sometimes I’d like to try that or actually play seriously, but as soon as I load on the map, I just loose control of my mind and body, with everything being consumed with 1 singular thought: Kill @REYNOSO_FUA11. And we all know


@fire : “OH shit my bad Cad…I thought you were Rey I swear to God. I meant to kill him”

Me: “Wtf dude?”

@REYNOSO_FUA11 : laughs in alive for once while mag dumping the 1011


Second winding @SomeknowmeasXeno in a private match and him see red after i did it.


That’s why only Rey can run scout lol.


He’s still pissed about that, I’m so proud of you.

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I just love when ppl take drugs, drink them with vodka, hit the social stage and than make posts on here XDDDDD
My favourite moment from P:HG was the Chip and Dale incident


Private matches with the homies will always be cherished. You know who you are

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That’s a lot of memories to sift through

I can’t decide

What about the moment you first played PHG and realised you were the best player in the game?


As the best player in the game

I find this touching


As the only Senate in the game,

I find I had to channel my inner you for this:


Probably the time I made you watch I stealth killed that dude with the combistick while he tried to pick you up

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That was really cool NGL

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