Preadtor is wicked OP, lower its health and armor

No thats me. It goes against my religion

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Lmfao but our conversations tend to be pleasant xD

Yes I recommend playing with the melons

You’ll find it a very refreshing change of pace


Shotguns suck

A single magazine can second wind a Predator

There’s video of hip fire Dutch 87 (which isn’t as much as deadly, Yautja’s bane, assault) out dpsing a Pred with wrist blades

Rockets suck

Grenades with unleashed deal half of a hunters health.

I think there’s something wrong with your build not the game

That is absolutely not the case.

That’s enough to SW a Pred. Clearly they’re healing.

You can’t

That’s enough for two Predator second winds.

Your preds are healing.

Wait is this one of those he should be op but not really things?

That he should.
He should be op lol.

Damn predators healing that’s op get rid of there healing options


No he technically should be

@Fire what are we talking about?

Are we talking above 50% win rate op? Or we talking he should feel op?

Because no normal person is going to advocate for a game being broken

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It’s already broken in the ft’s favor 😂

He should be overpowered in the sense that an individual ft member should not be able to kill a pred, or should barely be able to, only if they pull off some incredible shit.

Kind of like how pred has to be a good team now.

Basically the idea of like, 10-15 ft vs 1 pred, but each ft dies way easier.
One shot lock on pc, 1-2 hit melee kills,
Weapons being as strong as they are on the movies, ect.

Where only really good players can manage to escape via chopper and very rarely they actually kill the pred.

That’s how it should be.
If you dont believe me, try looking up early forum days post where people said what they wanted this game to be.

Only like 10-15% actually were ft favored.

But why use a Shotgun on the Pred when it’s clearly terrible against it? Get good sir.

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Ya and look at how bad the game is so why would reversing it be better?

That’s not being op. It’s a 1V4 game not a 1V1.

Because predator

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I have a 22 revolver, pistol beats spoon

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